regl is a functional WebGL framework
- headless-gl Run regl in node without spawning a window
- glslify Shader module loader
- resl Resource loader
- regl-recorder Record movies with regl
- regl-stats-widget Stat monitoring
- multi-regl Multiplexes a regl context across multiple viewports
- regl-camera A camera for regl
- isosurface Implicit function surface extraction
- surface-nets Surface extraction from voxel data
- ndarray n-dimensional array data structure
- glsl-sat
- glsl-quad
- glsl-numerify
- glsl-gaussian
- glsl-zoom
- From nothing to something in webgl with regl
- loading and displaying a 3D mesh with regl
- Beautifully animate points with webgl and regl
- 538 Gun Deaths
- Infinite Terrain Demo
- GPGPU Smooth Life
- GPGPU Fourier Analysis
- GPU accelerated handwritten digit recognition with regl using Convolutional Neural Networks
To the extent possible under law, Mikola Lysenko has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.