remotefs is a library that provides a file system structure to work with all the most popular file transfer protocols.
This is achieved through a trait called RemoteFs
which exposes methods to operate on the remote file system.
Currently the library exposes a client for Sftp, Scp, Ftp, WebDav, Kube and Aws-s3 as external libraries.
As mentioned earlier, this library exposes a trait called RemoteFs
This trait exposes several methods to operate on a remote file system via the chosen client.
Let's briefly go over which methods are available:
- connect: connect to the remote host.
- disconnect: disconnect from the remote host.
- is_connected: returns whether the client is connected to the remote host.
- append_file: append specified buffer to the specified file.
- append: open a file for append and returns a stream to write to it.
- change_dir: change the working directory to provided path.
- copy: copy a file from the specified source path to the specified destination.
- create_dir: create a directory with the specified file mode at the specified path.
- create_file: create a file at a specified path with the specified content.
- create: create a file and returns a stream to write to it.
- exec: executes a shell command.
- exists: checks whether file at specified path exists.
- list_dir: get entries at the provided path.
- mov: move a file from the specified source path to the specified destination.
- open_file: open a file for reading and fill the specified buffer with the file content.
- open: open a file and returns a stream to read it.
- pwd: get working directory.
- remove_dir_all: remove file/directory and all of its content.
- remove_dir: remove directory at the specified path. It fails if it is not an empty directory.
- remove_file: remove file at the specified path. It fails if it is not a file.
- setstat: set file metadata for file at the specified path.
- stat: get file information of file at the specified path.
- symlink: create a symlink at the specified path, pointing to the specified file.