Full Changelog: https://github.com/rileytomasek/eslint-config/commits/v0.1.0
- Add noop test script for np e24725a
- Prepare to publish 4f55ee5
- Add note about installing React to readme 5667bd4
- Further improve handling of type imports 7097baa
- Update readme for forked changes 1238366
- Remove testing-library deps and rename to jest 32fdc38
- Clean up package.json 5ec9fe4
- Move React specific config to it's own file 8b3737e
- Remove deprecated Jest config 896268f
- Remove Remix specific rules/config 08dc543
- Require consistent type imports fab68cd
- Chill a11y rules 364d33b
- Add rules for import ordering from internal config 21c90cc
- Remove changelog 75304c9
- Add prettier and reformat files 9ed14d6
- Initial npm install and lockfile 2da6818