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#ripple-lib API Reference

(More examples coming soon!)

###In this document:

  1. Remote options
  2. Remote functions
  1. Transaction events
  2. Amount objects

###Also see:

  1. The ripple-lib README
  2. The ripple-lib GUIDES

#1. Remote options

/* Loading ripple-lib with Node.js */
var Remote = require('ripple-lib').Remote;

/* Loading ripple-lib in a webpage */
// var Remote = ripple.Remote;

var remote = new Remote({options});

A new Remote can be created with the following options:

  • trace Log all of the events emitted (boolean)
  • max_listeners Set maxListeners for remote; prevents EventEmitter warnings (number)
  • connection_offset Connect to remote servers on supplied interval (number in seconds)
  • trusted truthy, if remote is trusted (boolean)
  • local_fee Set whether the transaction fee range will be set locally (boolean, default is true, see A note on transaction fees)
  • fee_cushion Extra fee multiplier to account for async fee changes (number, e.g. 1.5, see A note on transaction fees)
  • max_fee Maximum acceptable transaction fee (number in XRP drops, see A note on transaction fees)
  • servers Array of server objects of the following form:
  host:    <string>
  , port:    <number>
  , secure:  <boolean>

#2. Remote functions

##Server info functions


Returns information about the state of the server. If you are connected to multiple servers and want to select by a particular host, use request.set_server. Example:

var request = remote.request_server_info();
request.callback(function(err, res) {



request_unl_add(addr, comment, [callback])

request_unl_delete(node, [callback])


request_connect(ip, port, [callback])

##Ledger query functions

request_ledger(ledger, [opts], [callback])



request_ledger_entry(type, [callback])

request_subscribe(streams, [callback])

Start receiving selected streams from the server.

request_unsubscribe(streams, [callback])

Stop receiving selected streams from the server.

##Transaction query functions

request_transaction_entry(hash, [ledger_hash], [callback])

Searches a particular ledger for a transaction hash. Default ledger is the open ledger.

request_tx(hash, [callback])

Searches ledger history for validated transaction hashes.

##Account query functions

request_account_info(account, [callback])

Return information about the specified account.

  ledger_current_index: <number>,
  account_data: {
    Account:            <string>,
    Balance:            <number>,
    Flags:              <number>,
    LedgerEntryType:    <string>,
    OwnerCount:         <number>,
    PreviousTxnID:      <string>,
    PreviousTxnLgrSeq:  <number>,
    Sequence:           <number> ,
    index:              <string>

request_account_lines(accountID, account_index, current, [callback])

request_account_offers(accountID, account_index, current, [callback])

Return the specified account's outstanding offers.

request_account_tx(opts, [callback])

Fetch a list of transactions that applied to this account.


  • account
  • ledger_index_min deprecated, -1
  • ledger_index_max deprecated, -1
  • binary false
  • count false
  • descending false
  • offset 0
  • limit
  • forward false
  • fwd_marker
  • rev_marker

request_wallet_accounts(seed, [callback])

Return a list of accounts for a wallet.

  • requires trusted remote

request_account_balance(account, ledger, [callback])

Get the balance for an account. Returns an Amount object.

request_account_flags(account, current, [callback])

Return the flags for an account.

request_owner_count(account, current, [callback])

Return the owner count for an account.

request_ripple_balance(account, issuer, currency, current, [callback])

Return a request to get a ripple balance

##Order book query functions

request_book_offers(gets, pays, taker, [callback])

Return the offers for an order book as one or more pages.

var request = remote.request_book_offers({
  gets: {
  pays: {
    'issuer': 'rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B'


##Transaction submission functions

request_sign(secret, tx_json, [callback])

Sign a transaction.

  • requires trusted remote


Submit a transaction to the network. This command is used internally to submit transactions with a greater degree of reliability. See Submitting a payment to the network for details.

request_ripple_path_find(src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies, [callback])

transaction([destination], [source], [amount], [callback])

Returns a Transaction object

#3. Transaction events

Transaction objects are EventEmitters. They may emit the following events.

  • final Transaction has erred or succeeded. This event indicates that the transaction has finished processing.
  • error Transaction has erred. This event is a final state.
  • success Transaction succeeded. This event is a final state.
  • submitted Transaction has been submitted to the network. The submission may result in a remote error or success.
  • proposed Transaction has been submitted successfully to the network. The transaction at this point is awaiting validation in a ledger.
  • timeout Transaction submission timed out. The transaction will be resubmitted.
  • resubmit Transaction is beginning resubmission.
  • fee_adjusted Transaction fee has been adjusted during its pending state. The transaction fee will only be adjusted if the remote is configured for local fees, which it is by default.
  • abort Transaction has been aborted. Transactions are only aborted by manual calls to #abort.
  • missing Four ledgers have closed without detecting validated transaction
  • lost Eight ledgers have closed without detecting validated transaction. Consider the transaction lost and err/finalize.

#4. Amount objects

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