This plugin is for a flowmeter of magnetic hall type. Like this
There is now a reset function on the sensor in GUI so i have removed the custom actor. To use this click on arrow on sensor an choose reset to zero.
Please make sure that you have the latest avaliable version of Craftbeerpi from github installed.
This plugin includes sensor, actor(for reseting the sensor) and a custom step.
Use a 10k ohm resistor on sensors signal pin to protect your Pi.
Wire the sensor to the pi:
Red -> 5v.
Black -> GND.
Yellow -> 10k ohm resistor -> GPIO pin.
Add the sensor under System -> Hardware settings -> Sensors -> Flowmeter.
You can choose between following units in System -> Parameter -> flowunit. (Conversion is builtin)
Gallons US.
Gallons UK.
There is some http api commands avaliable.
To get the id of your sensor: http://"ip of pi":5000/api/flowmeter/list_all_sensors
For getting the value of sensor: http://"ip of pi:5000api/flowmeter/"sensor id"
For reseting the sensors value: http://"ip of pi":5000/api/flowmeter/"sensor id"/reset
You have to enter the id of the flowmeter which you can find by using the api command http://"ip of pi":5000/api/flowmeter/list_all_sensors
There is a custom step added for the flowmeter.
When the step is started it powers on an actor and when it reaches the given volume it powers off the actor and finnishes the step.
Configurable values for the step is:
Actor 1: Actor 1 thats going to be turned On and Off.
Actor 2: Actor 2 thats going to be turned On and Off. ( This is optional you dont have to use it)
Sensor: Flowmeter thats going to be used to measure the volume.
Volume: How much liquid that should pass before turning off actor.
Reset flowmeter when done: Here you can choose if you want the flowmeters value to be set to zero when step is finnished. 1 for yes and 0 for no.