Construected a dataset of binary sequences and stored them as tuples of (sequence, count) pairs. Examples are :-
After this, split the dataset into training, validation and test sets with the following splits - (0.8, 0.1, 0.1)
Tried out various types of hyperparameters and found the best one to be with the following combination: -
- Used layer normalization
- hidden_size = 64
- num_layers = 2
- dropout = 0.2
- lr = 0.0001
- criterion = nn.L1Loss()
Trained the model to get the final loss on training and validation sets as follows:
- Training Loss: 0.3485
- Validation Loss: 0.0866
Plotted the training and validation losses across all epochs on a graph.
Random Baseline MAE: 2.55304
The lowest MAE at 15 bits reflects that this is the length with the most training experience for the model.
Shorter sequences have fewer bits to process, making the input distribution significantly different from the sequences the model encountered during training due to padding.
For sequence lengths greater than 16 bits, the model's MAE increases again because the sequences are out-of-distribution, meaning the model hasn’t seen examples with these lengths during training. Longer sequences require the model to handle more complex dependencies over a larger time horizon, which the current architecture might struggle with due to a mismatch in training and test distributions.
Generated the dataset of 100k words. 100 examples of these are present in dataset_images_ocr
The class is present in rnn/
The model achieves an accuracy of 67 % on the evaluation metric of average number of correct characters.
Labels | Decoded Words |
aardvark | aardvaar |
aardwolf | aardwolg |
Aaron | Aarno |
Aaronic | Aarnoci |
Aaronical | Aaronucal |
Aaronite | Aaranite |
Aaronitic | Aaronttic |
capkin | capkint |
capless | capliss |
caplin | caplni |
capmaker | capmkarer |
capmaking | capmanking |
capman | capmna |
capmint | capnint |
deflate | defflate |
deflation | deflatoin |
deflationary | deflatinoary |
deflationist | deflatiionist |
deflator | deflattor |