A ClojureScript library for the Monaco Editor.
STATUS: [Experimental] Pre-alpha, in design and prototyping phase. Figwheel isn’t supported. Use shadow-cljs.
Add the following dependency in your project:
;; project.clj or build.boot
[clj-monaco "0.0.9"]
;; deps.edn
{:deps {clj-monaco {:mvn/version "0.0.9"}}}
# Run nREPL & connect from your IDE
$ make repl
# Application: http://localhost:3000
# Tests: http://localhost:3000/test
# REPL: nrepl://localhost:7888
$ make help
help Show help
clean Clean
repl Run REPL
lint Run linter
test Run tests
prepare Prepare to build
jar Build jar file
js Build js files
serve Run local server
install Install jar file
deploy Deploy to clojars