Generate routes to Codeigniter framework
- create file config/routes-generator.php
- add next code on file config/routes.php
$file_path = APPPATH . 'config/routes-generator.php';
$include_route = include $file_path;
if (isset($include_route) && is_array($include_route))
$route = array_merge( $route, $include_route);
- Add the file on FCPATH (home path codeigniter) / **generate-routes.php
- Define var on **generate-routes.php (not necesary)
define('BASEPATH', str_replace('\\', '/', 'system'));
define('APPPATH', realpath('app') );
#Examples ##Remember! that you change the comment after a route only run the following in console
php generate-routes.php
* @route::example-route
class Example1 extends CI_Controller
* @route::product/(:num)
* @route::product
function product( $parm ){
//url1: /example-route/product/1
//url2: /example-route/product
class Example2 extends CI_Controller
* @route::hello-world
function hello_world( ){
//url: /hello-world
* @route::hi-moon
function hello_moon( ){
//url: /hi-moon
* @route::arguments
class Example3 extends CI_Controller
* @route::numeric-values/(:num)/(:num)
function numeric( $a , $b ){
//url: /arguments/numeric-values/$1/$2
* @route::any-values/(:any)
function any( $a ){
//url: /arguments/any-values/$1
* @route::several/(:num)/(:num)/(:any)/(:any)
function several( $a, $b , $c, $d ){
//url: /arguments/several/$1/$2/$3/$4