Combination of importable module and a CLI tool on top of it to simplify dealing with YAML configuration files in Go code.
Rather than using 3rd party packages to handle configuration today it's preferable to use Go built in support for marshaling and struct tags. Taking into account requirements of local development and testing it's difficult to prevent logic of configuration from spreading across multiple source files and sometimes modules. This module provides tooling to solve this problem to a degree allowing most of the logic (including setting defaults) to be in the configuration template (possibly embedded into resulting binary).
It introduces an ability to use Go Templating engine with added support for slim-sprig lib and some "proprietary" extensions to derive "values" in the configuration. This makes it possible to both generate configuration files and to create configurations for production usage, development and testing in a coherent way from single template.
.Name (string) - name of the YAML node value is being assigned to
.ProjectDir (string) - used to expand relative paths in configuration, could be passed in
.Hostname (string) - Go's os.Hostname()
.IPv4 (string) - IPv4 address of local host, not loopback address
.Containerized (bool) - true if code is executed in container
.Testing (bool) - true if expansion happens when code is being run with "go test"
.CPUs (int) - Go's runtime.NumCPU()
.OS (string) - Go's runtime.GOOS
.ARCH (string) - Go's runtime.GOARCH
.Agguments (map[strting]string) - could be passed to Process() using .WithArgument(name,value) calls
joinPath - Joins any number of arguments into a path. The same as Go's filepath.Join.
freeLocalPort - takes no arguments, returns free unique local port to be used for testing. For running tests in parallel implementation keeps global port map.
❯ gencfg -h
gencnf - generate configuration file from template
gencnf [options] TEMPLATE [DESTINATION]
--project-dir value, -d value Project directory to use for expansion (default is current directory)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
Reading database user/password from environment and if not set from Vault:
username: '{{ default "user" (env "DB_USERNAME") }}'
password: '{{ default "pass" (env "DB_PASSWORD") }}'
Setting parameters for logging from environment:
level: info
# do not use "log timestamps" when running inside docker, rely on journald and docker logs to maintain timestamps
use_timestamp: "{{ not .Containerized }}"
Since application configuration structures defined in Go by creating struct types with declarative tags it makes sense to build on that as much as possible. Presently this module offers two additional declarative capabilities: "Sanitize" and "Validate" which used similarly to how YAML serde tags assigned to configuration struct fields.
module has additional capability of sanitizing configuration values.
You can set "sanitize" tag on a configuration field and call Sanitize() function
after your configuration unmarshaled into the struct in your code.
type SomeConfig struct {
WorkerPoolSize uint32 `yaml:"worker_pool_size"`
TempDir string `yaml:"temp_dir" sanitize:"path_clean"`
cfg := &SomeConfig{}
// Code to initialize cfg structure goes here (read from file, unmarshal, set...)
// sanitize will call filepath.Clean() on TempDir value and assign the resulting cleaned path back to the TempDir field.
if err := gencfg.Sanitize(&cfg); err != nil {
// Prossing sanitization errors here
Recognized actions called on fields with tags so path will be reset if necessary. Sanitize supports comma-separated list of actions and calls them in definition order.
Presently defined actions:
path_clean - same as calling filepath.Clean(value) on the configuration field
path_toslash - same as calling filepath.ToSlash(value) on the configuration field
path_abs - same as calling filepath.Abs(value) on the configuration field
assure_dir_exists - will call os.MkdirAll(value), not changing field itself
assure_dir_exists_for_file - will call os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(value)), not changing field itself
module has additional capability of validating configuration values
using code from validator project.
Note, that when supported tags aren't sufficient you could pass in custom function to perform additional checks.
type SomeConfig struct {
WorkerPoolSize uint32 `yaml:"worker_pool_size" validate:"required"`
TempDir string `yaml:"temp_dir" sanitize:"path_clean,assure_dir_exists" validate:"required,gt=1"`
// To perform "unusual" specific checking, most likely involves cross-field, cross embedded stuctures validation
func additionalChecks(sl validator.StructLevel) {
c := sl.Current().Interface().(SomeConfig)
if WorkerPoolSize == 999 {
sl.ReportError(c.WorkerPoolSize, "WorkerPoolSize", "", "do not like size must be 666", "")
cfg := &SomeConfig{}
// Code to initialize cfg structure goes here (read from file, unmarshal, set...)
if err := gencfg.Sanitize(&cfg); err != nil {
// Processing sanitization errors here
if err := gencfg.Validate(&cfg, gencfg.WithAdditionalChecks(additionalChecks)); err != nil {
// Processing validation errors here
Validate() returns all found problems at once, it would not fail on each consecutive violation encountered. Please, read documentation for more details on available checks.