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Modular API Rest following DDD and Hex Architecture

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IOBuildersBank - RESTful Banking Application

Table of Contents

My Hexagonal Architecture Approach

This project is designed using Hexagonal Architecture and DDD to ensure a clean separation of concerns and maintainability.

Bounded Contexts and Use Case Grouping

For each Bounded Context, such as User or Wallet:

  • Business rules and use cases are encapsulated in a single service interface, implemented in the Application Layer. While individual use cases could be split into separate classes, I find it cleaner by grouping them into a service interface for each context, specially if the application scales too much.

Core Design Approach

  1. Input/Output Encapsulation:

    • Input: Interfaces in the domain layer define use case interactions.
    • Output: Interfaces abstract external systems, in this case H2 database.
  2. Infrastructure Implementations:

    • Interfaces are implemented in the infrastructure layer, allowing for easy replacement of external adapters without affecting the core logic.
  3. Entity-DTO Mapping:

    • Mappers convert business logic entities and DTOs for input and output, maintaining separation between layers and preserving core domain independence.


  • Unit Tests: Cover application services and input/output ports.
  • Integration Tests: Verify end-to-end functionality in the Bootloader module with preinjected data.

Technologies Used

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot
  • H2 Database
  • BCrypt
  • Spring Security
  • JWT Authentication
  • OpenApi 3.0
  • Web3j
  • Truffle and Ganache
  • Maven

Getting Started

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone repository:
git clone
cd IOBuildersBank
  1. Install dependencies:
mvn clean install
  1. Run the application:
cd bootloader
mvn spring-boot:run
  1. Access the API at http://localhost:8080

Access the API and H2 Database

  • Base URL: http://localhost:8080
  • H2 Console: http://localhost:8080/h2-console
    • Username: santiago
    • Password: iobuilders

Initialization Script

The application seeds the database with the following data:

  • User:

    • Username: santisr117
    • Password: 123123 (password is stored in the database as a hash)
  • Wallets:

    • wallet1: Balance 100.00
    • wallet2: Balance 50.00

These wallets are linked to the above user, and this data is used to test the integration tests and to allow an initial configuration of the bank application.

Password Hashing

For enhanced security, passwords are stored in the database as hashed values using BCrypt.

Blockchain Integration

I created a small integration with a local Ethereum blockchain using Ganache and Truffle for deploying and interacting with a simple smart contract that exposes a simple public view function and does not consume gas. This function is used to check the Ether balance of a specified address, and this functionality is completely separate from the rest of the application logic, it has only been created to test the integration with the blockchain, and the application mantains all the other functionalities if we don't set up the blockchain integration.

Steps to Set Up the Blockchain

  1. Run the Local Blockchain (Ganache)

    • Start Ganache and click on Quickstart.
    • By default, Ganache will run on localhost:7545.
  2. Deploy the Contract Using Truffle

    cd check-ether-contract
    truffle migrate
  3. Update

    • After deployment, obtain the contract address and the private key of one of the accounts created in Ganache.
    • Update the following properties to your file:
  4. Launch the Application

    • Now that the blockchain is running and the contract is deployed, launch the application:
      mvn spring-boot:run


The API uses JWT-based authentication.


  • Endpoint: POST /login Retrieves a token for the specified user. You can create first a new user or use the already created user:

Input parameters

parameter type example value in required
username string santisr117 query true
password string 123123 query true

Sample response


"username": "santisr117",

"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzYW50aXNyMTE3IiwiaWF0IjoxNzMzMjI3MDkxLCJleHAiOjE3MzMzMTM0OTF9.98pu6n2Sf0K0YEiQveIySLu7mwnoZFk7bUsx6MPm_L0"



  • Endpoint: POST /user

    Creates a new user. Input parameters

    parameter type example value in required
    Authorization JWT Bearer + JWT Token Header true

    Input Json

     "username": "santisr117",
     "password": "123123",
     "email": "[email protected]"

    Sample response Http Status 201: Created

  • Endpoint: GET /user/{id}

    Get user info by id. Input parameters

    parameter type example value in required
    Authorization JWT Bearer + JWT Token Header true
    id integer 1 Path true

    Sample response

        "username": "santisr117",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "id": 1,
        "wallets": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "wallet1",
                "balance": 115.00,
                "transactions": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "description": "transaction 1",
                        "date": "3/12/24 17:08",
                        "amount": 15.00
                "id": 2,
                "name": "wallet2",
                "balance": 50.00,
                "transactions": []


  • Endpoint: POST /wallet

    Creates a new wallet. Input parameters

    parameter type example value in
    Authorization JWT Bearer + JWT Token Header
    userId integer 1 Query
    name string wallet 3 Query

    Sample response Http Status 201: Created

  • Endpoint: GET /wallet/{id}

    Get wallet info by id. Input parameters

    parameter type example value in required
    Authorization JWT Bearer + JWT Token Header true
    id integer 1 Path true

    Sample response

        "id": 1,
        "name": "wallet1",
        "balance": 80.00,
        "transactions": [
                "id": 1,
                "description": "tx1",
                "date": "3/12/24 17:08",
                "amount": 15.00
                "id": 2,
                "description": "Transfer to wallet 2",
                "date": "3/12/24 17:16",
                "amount": -50.00
                "id": 4,
                "description": "tx2",
                "date": "3/12/24 17:16",
                "amount": 15.00
  • Endpoint: POST /wallet/{id}/deposit

    Makes a new deposit to a specified wallet id. Input parameters

    parameter type example value in required
    Authorization JWT Bearer + JWT Token Header true
    id integer 1 Path true
    amount number 10 Query true
    description string new deposit Query false

    Sample response Http Status 200: OK

  • Endpoint: POST /wallet/{id}/transfer

    Makes a transfer from a source wallet to a specified wallet id. Input parameters

    parameter type example value in required
    Authorization JWT Bearer + JWT Token Header true
    id integer 1 Path true
    amount number 10 Query true
    target id integer 2 Query true

    Sample response Http Status 200: OK


  • Endpoint: GET /blockchain/balance

    Check the balance of a wallet address in the local blockchain. Input parameters

    parameter type example value in required
    Authorization JWT Bearer + JWT Token Header true
    walletAddress string 0x0c642236ac09e6a4402921b5a9e6ae2f0a49f00c Query true

    Sample response

        "balance": 100


Modular API Rest following DDD and Hex Architecture






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