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Security: seanpm2001/SeansLifeArchive_Images_ModernSmurfsVillage


Security Policy

Supported Versions

This project is a Git-image image collection project and it shouldn't be much of a problem security-wise, as it isn't much of a program, rather than an information set. I decided to include a security policy just in case, and also to match my other projects that have security policies.

Version history

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Version Supported Support status
M5V1.0A Old version, partially supported
M5V1.0B Old version, partially supported
M5V1.1A ✔️ Current version, supported
< M5V1.0B & > 2022 Sunday January 1st ✔️ Current version set, supported

Partially supported means it is still supported, but support isn't much of a priority and may take longer to receive.

Reporting a Vulnerability


Please instead direct message me via GitHub. If there is no response within 90 days, you can post the vulnerability as an issue, as part of the standard 0 day security exploit reporting guidelines.

If a vulnerability is caused by an outdated dependancy, you can report it publicly, as it usually isn't that much of a problem.

Other security currently isn't available. If there are any further questions, @ me privately on GitHub. @seanpm2001

Security problems should be reported to the seanpm2001 mailing list, located at [email protected]

Account security

If there is an account security problem regarding an organization (2FA problem, password leak, rogue member, etc.) notify me privately. Be a good samaritan.

Non-security reports

Confidential problems that aren't related to security should be messaged to me privately. Non-confidential problems that aren't related to security should be mentioned in an issue.

Before you report

Please make sure to read key project documentation before reporting a security problem.

File info

File type: Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

File version: 1 (2022, Saturday, January 15th at 7:03 pm)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 112

All times are UTC-7 (PDT/Pacific Time)

You may need special rendering support for the <dropdown> HTML tag being used in this document

File history

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the history for this file

Version 1 (2022, Saturday, January 15th at 7:03 pm)

This release was made by @seanpm2001


  • Started the file
  • Added the supported versions section
  • Added the version history section (accounting for the first 6 versions)
  • Added the reporting a vulnerability section
  • Added the file info section
  • Added the file history section
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon
  • No other changes in version 10

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There aren’t any published security advisories