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finally, your data is safu

bring back the u to filesharing


Project status - friendly openbeta

News: We started a whitepaper and a pinning-node!

Binary downloads


v 1.0.0

v 0.1.3

  • switching back to js-ipfs
  • basic deuglyfication of the code
  • app is opensource now :D


versions < 0.1.3

If you have installed one of the previous version 0.1.0 - 0.1.2 you have an incompatible ipfsd-config and cannot run the latest version. you need to delete the user-data before launching. sorry about this, we hope that this is not going to happen again (as we believe we use the "right" ipfs-implementation now ;-)


rm -rf ~/.config/sharu


rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/sharu


open explorer, navigate to %APPDATA% and remove the folder sharu

Building from source

npm i
npm run start

Building a release

npm i
npm run electron:$platform

$platform can be linux, windows or mac

You will find the binary build in the subdirectory releases.


Please don't hesitate and open a ticket here