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Advent of Code 2015 in Haskell

I'm learning Haskell, so I thought I'd redo the 2015 AoC puzzles to prepare for the 2016 puzzles and to get up to speed with the more practical aspects of solving code challenges in this language.


Part 1

Problem: Given a string of ( and )' characters, start at 0, add 1for every(and subtract1for every)` and output the result.

(Reading this problem took me back to that summer between 7th and 8th grade, when I took my first CS class and we worked through a good chunk of The Schemer's Guide and we used this technique to manually count our parentheses. Good times.)

The plan is to count the number of ( and the number of ), and subtracting the first from the second. Let's just count 1 for every ( and count - for every ) with a function I'll call cnt:

cnt :: Char -> Integer
cnt '(' = 1
cnt ')' = -1
cnt _ = 0

now we just map cnt over the items and sum them up:

almostLisp :: String -> Integer
almostLisp xs = sum (map cnt xs)

Part 2

Problem: Instead of finding the total sum, find the position where the running sum first goes negative.

Wasn't there some function like fold that gave you a list rather than a single accumulated total? Oh yeah, scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b].

λ> scanl (+) 0 (map cnt "(()))(()")


Okay, I can get to that first negative value using dropWhile (>=0):

λ> dropWhile (>=0) $ scanl (+) 0 (map cnt "(()))(()")

but how would I get the position of that first negative value after dropping the front part of the list? I'll have to first zip the list with a position indicator (like python's enumerate?) to get indexed positions, then I can do dropWhile. The predicate for dropWhile will have to change to test the second ("value") part of the tuples. Once I get to that first negative, I can just take the head of the remaining list and the position is going to be the first part of the tuple:

almostLispNeg :: String -> Integer
almostLispNeg xs = let indexed = zip [0 ..] (scanl (+) 0 (map cnt xs))
                       firstNeg = head $ dropWhile (\(_, v) -> v >= 0) indexed
                       fst firstNeg

Lessons learned

  • scanl
  • indexing lists with zip


Part 1

Problem: Given a list of dimensions of rectangular prism presents (e.g., "2x3x4"), calculate the amount of wrapping paper needed for each present as the surface area plus the area of the smallest size.

In Python, I might have read the input with something like:

with open(filename) as f:
    presents = [int(x) for x in line.split('x') for line in f]

So I went hoogle-ing for an int equivalent (String -> Int?) and a split equivalent (String -> [String]).

Nope. Bad idea. After an hour of trying to map read over a list of Strings, I remembered that Haskell is known for its parsing libraries and dug back into the book I've been reading:

import           Text.Trifecta

parsePackage :: Parser (Integer, Integer, Integer)
parsePackage = do
    l <- decimal
    char 'x'
    w <- decimal
    char 'x'
    h <- decimal
    return (l, w, h)

I don't understand everything going on here. I do know that I'm parsing a decimal followed by an x followed by another decimal, another x, and one more decimal. The function then returns the three parsed Integers in the Parser monad. (Psst. I can tell it's a monad because of the return.)

Ok, great. I can get each present in a separate string in a list using lines, I can parse each package separately to get a list of tuples (Integer, Integer, Integer).

Oh, actually, the Integer tuples are still in the Result monad, so my attempt to parse the input will give me a list of Results. Let's try it:

parseWrapping :: String -> [Result (Integer, Integer, Integer)]
parseWrapping c = map (parseString parsePackage mempty) (lines c)

How much paper does it take to wrap a present? 2*l*h + 2*l*w + 2*w*h + smallest side. Recalling that we have list of Results, We can do:

presentPaper :: Result (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
presentPaper (Success (l, w, h)) =
    let a = l * w
        b = w * h
        c = h * l
        2 * a + 2 * b + 2 * c + minimum [ a, b, c ]

Hmm, but now the compiler is complaining that the pattern matches are non-exhaustive. I haven't covered the case where the argument is a Failure. Well, if it's a Failure, let's say that the wrapping paper needed is 0, because we didn't parse a valid present size:

presentPaper (Failure _) = 0

(This is awesome. In Python, I would have just written the happy path and ignored the possibility of failure of my split("x") approach.)

Now we can put it all together to calculate the total amount of wrapping paper needed. c is the input from the file of present dimensions, separated by newlines, the Parser turns these into Result (Integer, Integer, Integer), and we can map presentPaper over these and add up the results to get the total amount of paper needed:

calculatePaper :: String -> Integer
calculatePaper c = sum $ map presentPaper $ parseWrapping c

Part 2

Problem: Now calculate the ribbon needed, which is the perimeter of the smallest face plus the volume of the present (for the bow).

Nothing much here, just adapt the paper calculation to calculate the ribbon length instead. The only difference is that we need the two smallest values rather than the minimum size. To do that, let's use sort from Data.List:

import           Data.List     (sort)

presentRibbon :: Result (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
presentRibbon (Success (l, w, h)) =
    let (a : b : _) = sort [ l, w, h ]
        2 * a + 2 * b + l * w * h
presentRibbon (Failure _) = 0

And then we just run in the same way as with the paper:

calculateRibbon :: String -> Integer
calculateRibbon c = sum $ map presentRibbon $ parseWrapping c

Lessons learned

  • Use parsers, they're not that bad.


Part 1

Problem: Santa receives a list of directions (the chars ^v<>) and delivers presents to an infinite 2D grid of houses. For each character read, Santa moves one house in that direction (e.g., ^ means move one house north). How many unique houses will Santa visit?

The plan is to represent each location that Santa visits as a coordinate pair, e.g., (0,0) for the starting location. Then each direction gets mapped to a direction (e.g., ^ becomes (0,1), < becomes (-1,0), etc.). Finding each visited house for each move just becomes a scanl, because we're accumulating the steps.

Let's define a Coord data type to keep track of Santa's location. (There's probably some nicer way to use newtype or something to accomplish this...I should look in to that.)

data Coord = Coord Integer Integer
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

And come to think of it, what we're actually doing is sort of like a monoid, so let's define that as well:

instance Monoid Coord where
    mappend (Coord xa xb) (Coord ya yb) = Coord (xa + ya) (xb + yb)
    mempty = Coord 0 0

Let's map those directions to Coords that we can <> together:

dToCoords :: Char -> Coord
dToCoords '^' = Coord 0 1
dToCoords 'v' = Coord 0 (-1)
dToCoords '>' = Coord 1 0
dToCoords '<' = Coord (-1) 0
dToCoords _   = Coord 0 0

To find the unique Coords only, I'll dump them into a Set, then count the size of the Set, so we can put the pieces together like this:

countHouses :: String -> Int
countHouses ds = Set.size $
    Set.fromList $ scanl mappend mempty $ map dToCoords ds

This maps our dToCoords function over the input list of directions ds. We then use scanl with the conveniently defined Monoid instance of Coords to accumulate Santa's position with each move. Set.fromList turns the list into a Set, and Set.size gives us the number of unique houses visited.

Part 2

Problem: Now Santa creates a Robo-Santa to help deliver presents. Robo-Santa and Santa start at the same location, but they take turns moving based on alternate instructions. Now how many unique houses are visited?

We're going to split up the inputs with alternating values going to Santa or Robo-Santa, run the scanl stuff on Santa and Robo-Santa separately, then take the size of the union of the resulting sets.

There must be a better way to split up alternating values in a list. Something like deinterleave. Oh well:

splitToPairs :: Monoid a => [a] -> [(a, a)]
splitToPairs []  = []
splitToPairs [ x ] = [ (x, mempty) ]
splitToPairs (x : y : xs) =
    (x, y) : splitToPairs xs

All this does is take adjacent values and put them into tuples. Once we do that, we can unzip to split these into two separate lists (e.g., the lists santa and robot.

robotCountHouses :: String -> Int
robotCountHouses ds = let cs = map dToCoords ds
                          (santa, robot) = unzip $ splitToPairs cs
                          santaHouses = Set.fromList $
                              scanl mappend mempty santa
                          robotHouses = Set.fromList $
                              scanl mappend mempty robot
                          Set.size $ Set.union santaHouses robotHouses

Then the rest goes according to plan.

Lessons learned

  • scanl is great
  • monoids are everywhere
  • I probably didn't need a monoid in this case.
  • How do you deal with the element pairing thing?


Problem: Given a secret key (8 characters), find the smallest positive integer that you can concatenate onto the end of the secret key such that the MD5 hash of the concatenated value starts with {five, six} 0s.

First, how do we calculate MD5 hashes in Haskell? Hoogle suggests there's some sort of Crypto.Hash library. Google says it comes from cryptonite. The docs say there's:

hashlazy :: HashAlgorithm a => ByteString -> Digest a

That seems as good as anything, whatever this ByteString thing is. Oh, there's an MD5 instance of the HashAlgorithm class. That seems applicable.

This is my first time encountering ByteString, though I've heard that Haskell has this problem with ~3 different ways to express strings. Hoogle saves the day again, as searching for String -> ByteString gives this as one of the results:

Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 fromString :: String -> ByteString

Let's import this stuff:

import           Crypto.Hash
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy      as LB
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)

And let's define an md5 hashing function:

md5 :: LB.ByteString -> Digest MD5
md5 = hashlazy

And let's see how it works:

λ> md5 (fromString "abc")

Well, it gave me something back, but it's a Digest MD5, so I don't know how I'll be able to pattern match on it to find 5 leading 0s. On the other hand, it printed to the repl, so it must be an instance of Show. Let's abuse this:

λ> show $ md5 (fromString "abc")

Now we can pattern match on it like it's a String (there's gotta be a better way). The rest should be self explanatory:

mine :: String -> Integer
mine secret = mineRecur (fromString secret) 1 where
    mineRecur sec c =
        let try = LB.append sec (fromString $ show c)
        in case show $ md5 try of
            ('0':'0':'0':'0':'0':_) -> c
            otherwise               -> mineRecur sec (c + 1)

Lessons learned

  • Haskell libraries are not all that scary!
  • Compiling makes things run a little faster


Part 1


A nice string is one with all of the following properties:

  • It contains at least three vowels (aeiou only), like aei, xazegov, or aeiouaeiouaeiou.
  • It contains at least one letter that appears twice in a row, like xx, abcdde (dd), or aabbccdd (aa, bb, cc, or dd).
  • It does not contain the strings ab, cd, pq, or xy, even if they are part of one of the other requirements. Given a list of strings, count the number of "nice" strings.

Let's filter the input to keep only the nice strings, then count the length of the filtered list.

countNiceStrings :: String -> Int
countNiceStrings input = length $ filter niceString (lines input)

niceString is just the conjunction of the three rules:

niceString :: String -> Bool
niceString s = threeVowels s && twiceInRow s && noBadSubstrings s

So let's write the three rules. First, we want to make sure that there are at least three vowels in the string

vowels = "aoeui"

isVowel :: Char -> Bool
isVowel = (`elem` vowels) -- The backticks and parentheses essentially
                          -- swap the arguments

threeVowels :: String -> Bool
threeVowels s = length (filter isVowel s) >= 3

Next, we'll look for at least one occurrence of a character that appears twice in a row. To do this, we'll zip the list with its tail (the rest or cdr) and then check to see if any of the pairs are the same Char. If the list is too short to pattern match, then it's an automatic False.

twiceInRow :: String -> Bool
twiceInRow (x:xs) = let pairs = zip (x:xs) xs
                    in any (uncurry (==)) pairs
twiceInRow _ = False

HLint suggested the uncurry (==) thing in place of my original (\(x, y) -> x == y. I like it.

Finally, we want to make sure there are no "bad strings":

noBadSubstrings :: String -> Bool
noBadSubstrings s = let badInfix = ["ab", "cd", "pq", "xy"]
    in not $ or $ map (`isInfixOf` s) badInfix

Part 2

Problem: New rules:

Now, a nice string is one with all of the following properties:

  • It contains a pair of any two letters that appears at least twice in the string without overlapping, like xyxy (xy) or aabcdefgaa (aa), but not like aaa (aa, but it overlaps).
  • It contains at least one letter which repeats with exactly one letter between them, like xyx, abcdefeghi (efe), or even aaa.

We'll edit our countNiceStrings to filter with partTwoNiceString:

countNiceStrings :: String -> Int
countNiceStrings input = length $ filter partTwoNiceString (lines input)

partTwoNiceString :: String -> Bool
partTwoNiceString s = pairAppearsTwice s && repeatWithLetterBetween s

and now we can define those two properties.

For pairAppearsTwice, we'll take the first two characters in the list and see if they appear in the rest of the list. If so, then True and if not, then we'll recursively call pairAppearsTwice with the tail of the list. If there aren't enough characters in the list to pattern match, then we return False.

pairAppearsTwice :: String -> Bool
pairAppearsTwice (x:y:xs) = if [x, y] `isInfixOf` xs
                            then True
                            else pairAppearsTwice (y:xs)
pairAppearsTwice _ = False

repeatWithLetterBetween is pretty much the same as twiceInRow but we now zip with the tail of the tail (cddr).

repeatWithLetterBetween :: String -> Bool
repeatWithLetterBetween (x:y:xs) = let pairs = zip (x:y:xs) xs
                                   in any (uncurry (==)) pairs
repeatWithLetterBetween _ = False

Lessons learned

  • Haskell is more like Clojure than I originally gave it credit for.
  • HLint is great for expanding your Haskell vocabulary.


Part 1

Problem: Given a list of instructions for controlling a 1000x1000 grid of lights, how many lights are lit after executing all of the instructions? Instructions have the form:

turn on nn,nn through nn,nn
turn off nn,nn through nn,nn
toggle nn,nn through nn,nn

where the nn are non-negative integers less than 1000.

I'll eventually want to do something where I fold over the list of instructions, to update the state of the lights, then count the final number of lights that are on.

Let's set up some data types for handling this data. Let's also learn to use Data.Vector. The current state of the lights is just a 2D Vector of Bools:

import qualified Data.Vector         as V

newtype LightState = LightState (V.Vector (V.Vector Bool))
    deriving Show

I'll initialize the LightState using Vector.generate:

initState :: LightState
initState = LightState $ V.generate 1000 (const $ V.generate 1000 $ const False)

I'll represent each instruction based on the command turn on, turn off, or toggle, which I'll call a Mode (I'm not so great at naming), as well as two coordinate pairs that identify the rectangles that the command should apply to:

data Coord = Coord Int Int
    deriving Show

data Mode = On | Off | Toggle | Noop
    deriving Show

data Instruction = Instruction Mode Coord Coord
    deriving Show

I'm going to build up to something like this, where I parse the input to generate a list of instructions, then fold over the instructions (in patternLights) to generate a finalPattern. I'll then count the number of True values in each row of the state using V.length . V.filter id. This will gives a list of Ints (one for each row of the state), so I'll sum them up to get our total:

countLightsOn :: String -> Int
countLightsOn input =
    let LightState finalPattern = patternLights (parseInput input)
        rowCounts = (V.length . V.filter id) finalPattern
    in sum rowCounts

Let's write more parsers:

import Text.Trifecta

parseOn :: Parser Instruction
parseOn = do
    _ <- string "turn on "  -- we dump the text, but still match on it
    (ca, cb) <- parseCoords
    return (Instruction On ca cb) -- and detecting the "turn on" is captured
                                  -- here by the On type

parseCoords :: Parser (Coord, Coord)
parseCoords = do
    startx <- decimal
    _ <- char ','
    starty <- decimal
    _ <- string " through "
    endx <- decimal
    _ <- char ','
    endy <- decimal
    return ((Coord (fromInteger startx) (fromInteger starty)),
            (Coord (fromInteger endx) (fromInteger endy)))

We'll do the same for the turn off and toggle:

parseOff :: Parser Instruction
parseOff = do
    _ <- string "turn off "
    (ca, cb) <- parseCoords
    return (Instruction Off ca cb)

parseToggle :: Parser Instruction
parseToggle = do
    _ <- string "toggle "
    (ca, cb) <- parseCoords
    return (Instruction Toggle ca cb)

In order to match a line of the input with the correct one of these three, we'll use the <|> operator from Control.Applicative:

import           Control.Applicative

parseInstruction :: Parser Instruction
parseInstruction = parseOn <|> parseOff <|> parseToggle

This way, if parseOn fails (because the line didn't start with "turn on", the parser will continue by trying parseOff, then parseToggle before giving up and returning Failure. This is super cool.

Given this, the parseInput function from the beginning is pretty simple. cleanupInstructions is used to unwrap the Results from the parser, and I convert the Failures into Noops. Presumably, this won't ever be needed.

parseInput :: String -> V.Vector Instruction
parseInput s = V.fromList $ cleanupInstructions $ map parseLine (lines s)

cleanupInstruction :: Result Instruction -> Instruction
cleanupInstruction (Failure _) =
    Instruction Noop (Coord (-1) (-1)) (Coord (-1) (-1))
cleanupInstruction (Success x) =

cleanupInstructions :: [Result Instruction] -> [Instruction]
cleanupInstructions = map cleanupInstruction

parseLine :: String -> Result Instruction
parseLine = parseString parseInstruction mempty

Ok, now all the machinery is in place to parse those input lines:

λ> parseLine "turn on 0,0 through 300,350"
Success (Instruction On (Coord 0 0) (Coord 300 350))
λ> parseInput "turn on 0,0 through 300,350\ntoggle 42,42 through 100,110"
[Instruction On (Coord 0 0) (Coord 300 350),Instruction Toggle (Coord 42 42) (Coord 100 110)]

Cool. A lot of work, but cool.

The aforementioned patternLights is just a fold over the instructions:

patternLights :: V.Vector Instruction -> LightState
patternLights = V.foldl' execInst initState

(I'm assuming foldl' to be, by default, the right choice, though I haven't thought this through).

The magic then, is going to be this execInst, which takes a LightState and an Instruction to generate a new LightState:

execInst :: LightState -> Instruction -> LightState
execInst (LightState state) (Instruction m start end) =
    let f = case m of
            On     -> const True
            Off    -> const False
            Toggle -> not
            _      -> id
    in LightState $ applyInst state f start end

I'll match on the Mode to identify the right function that we'll map onto the values in the rectangle defined by start and end, then delegate the hard work to applyInst.

applyInst :: V.Vector (V.Vector a)
          -> (a -> a)
          -> Coord
          -> Coord
          -> V.Vector (V.Vector a)
applyInst state f (Coord x1 y1) (Coord x2 y2) =
    let updateRow i =
            let curRow = state V.! i
                colUpdate j = (j, f (curRow V.! j))
                colUpdateV = colUpdate (V.enumFromN y1 ((y2 - y1) + 1))
                (i, curRow `V.update` colUpdateV)
        rowUpdateV = updateRow (V.enumFromN x1 ((x2 - x1) + 1))
        state `V.update` rowUpdateV

Yikes. The idea here is that, to update a Vector a, V.update takes a Vector of (Int, a) tuples and returns a new Vector a with the values at the locations specified by the car of the tuple with the value at the cadr of the tuple.

Let's start with updating the ith row using updateRow. We pull out that row using state V.! i and name it curRow. If a jth value is to be updated in that row, it should be replaced with the function f applied to the previous value. Therefore, colUpdate j = (j, f (curRow V.! j)), and we can generate the tuple pairs for the update by mapping colUpdate over an enumeration of the positions to be updated (the y coordinates). The final tuple for that row is therefore (i, curRow V.update colUpdateV).

Now to update the 2D vector, I use the newly defined updateRow and run this on all the rows that should be affected (the x coordinates). Hence rowUpdateV = updateRow (V.enumFromN x1 ((x2 - x1) + 1)), and then we apply the update.

That was probably a lot more machinery than I really needed to solve this problem.

Part 2

Is not so interesting. Just a rewrite to use Int instead of Bool and change the parsers to generate add or subtract Modes instead. the key difference is the new execNordicInst matches to functions for computing those additions and subtractions. The core applyInst function works unchanged.

Lessons learned

  • Data.Vector is easy to use
  • Trifecta is getting easier with practice
  • refactoring Haskell is just about as easy as they say


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