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2.3. Configuration: Messages

shavit edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 1 revision

Path to configuration file: addons/sourcemod/configs/shavit-messages.cfg

You can control the formatting/colors that bhoptimer uses for its chat message.


Default configuration:

// Configuration file for chat messages.
// The settings here will replace the behavior of chat messages that the plugin sends.
// Universal color settings -- will work with both CS:S and CS:GO:
// {default} - default color
// {green} - green color
// For CS:S, you have the following variables available: (NOTE: The format for colors is like HTML. RRGGBBAA)
// {RGB} - like \x07, usage: "{RGB}FF0000" for red
// {RGBA} - like \x08, usage: "{RGBA}FF0000FE" for 254 alpha red
// CS:GO colors:
// {blue}, {bluegrey}, {darkblue}, {darkred}, {gold}, {grey}, {grey2}, {lightgreen}, {lightred}, {lime}, {orchid}, {yellow}
		"prefix"		"{RGB}5e70d0[Timer]"
		"text"			"{RGB}ffffff"
		"warning"		"{RGB}af2a22"
		"variable"		"{RGB}7fd772"
		"variable2"		"{RGB}276f5c"
		"style"			"{RGB}db88c2"

		"prefix"		"{green}[Timer]"
		"text"			"{default}"
		"warning"		"{darkred}"
		"variable"		"{bluegrey}"
		"variable2"		"{orchid}"
		"style"			"{gold}"

The configuration file explains everything in the comments.

Here's an example of a slight edit to the CS:GO version of the configuration file and a different prefix (including color) of the CS:S one:

		"prefix"		"{RGB}ed3b68「bhop」»"
		"text"			"{RGB}ffffff"
		"warning"		"{RGB}af2a22"
		"variable"		"{RGB}7fd772"
		"variable2"		"{RGB}276f5c"
		"style"			"{RGB}db88c2"

		"prefix"		"{green} >>"
		"text"			"{default}"
		"warning"		"{darkred}"
		"variable"		"{bluegrey}"
		"variable2"		"{orchid}"
		"style"			"{gold}"