Cesium is simple and flexible content management system.
Unlike RadiantCMS, Cesium can be easily integrated to existing rails application.
ruby script/plugin install git://github.com/pyromaniac/cesium.git
- awesome_nested_set gem
config.gem "awesome_nested_set", :lib => false, :source => 'http://gemcutter.org'
- authlogic gem
config.gem "authlogic", :lib => false
- radius gem
config.gem "radius", :lib => false
- RedCloth gem
config.gem "RedCloth", :lib => "redcloth"
to enable support textile mark-up inside of special tag
- bluecloth gem
config.gem "bluecloth", :lib => "bluecloth", :source => 'http://gemcutter.org'
to enable support markdown mark-up inside of special tag
- WillPaginate gem
config.gem 'will_paginate', :lib => 'will_paginate', :source => 'http://gemcutter.org'
to enable pagination support in admin interface
map.cesium '*url', :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show'
rake cesium:db:migrate
to create cesium tables.
Next step – http://localhost:3000/admin
Use admin:admin to login.
All questions and answers in [email protected]
Special thanx to nahy, ADie and SSDany
Copyright © 2009 pyromaniac, released under the MIT license