A N-body integrator for small bodies of the Solar System Author: Simon Grimm, ETH Zürich, University of Zürich, Switzerland
- cd readChebyshev
- Download linux_p1550p2650.440
- Download header.440
- Download sb441-n16.bsp
- make
- set start time and end time of desired perturbers data in paramChebyshev.dat
- ./readChebyshev
This will create a binary file called 'PerturbersChebyshev.bin' The structure of the file is:
The header contains all necessary constants:
- time0, fp64, Start time of the entire file, in Julian Days, default = 2450800.5.
- time1, fp64, End time of the entire file, in Julian Days, default = 2459800.5
- AUtokm, fp64, Conversion factor AU to km, taken from DE440 file.
- EM, fp64, Earth / Moon mass ratio, taken from DE440 file.
- CLIGHT, fp64, Speed of light in km/s, taken from DE440 file.
- RE, fp64, Earth radius in km, taken from DE440 file.
- J2E, fp64, J2 term of Earth (dimensionless), taken from DE440 file.
After the header follows a list of all perturbers. Containing for each perturber:
- id, int32, perturber id
- nChebyshev, int32, number of Chebyshev coefficients
- offset0 , int32, offset of begiining of data from perturber
- offset1, int32, offset of ending of data from perturber
- GM, fp64, G * mass
Now follows the data itself.
- perturber 1, record 1
- perturber 1, record 2
- ...
- perturber 1, record n
- perturber 2, record 1
- perturber 2, record 2
- ...
- perturber 2, record n
- ...
Every record contains
- start time of record
- end time of record
- Chebyshev coefficients, (3 * nChebyshev)
cd ../integrator
modify param.dat
- Initial condition file format: format of the initial conditions file, "text" or "binary".
- Initial condition file: name of the initial conditions file, string.
- Output file name: name of the output files, string.
- Path to perturbers file, string
allowed integrators are:
- LF, leapfrog
- RK4, Runge Kutta 4, fixed time steps
- RKF45, Runge Kutta Fehlberg 45, adaptive time steps
- DP54, Runge Kutta Fehlberg 54, adaptive time steps
- RKF78, Runge Kutta Fehlberg 78, adaptive time steps
The name of the initial conditions file must be set in the param.dat file. The File contains the following columns:
- id x y z vx vy vz A1 A2 A3
- id, particle index, integer number
- x ,y ,z: Barecentric positions in AU
- vx, vy, vz: Barycentric velocoties in AU/days
- A1, A2, A3: Non-gravitational acceleration terms in AU/days^2
- ./integrator
The name of the initial conditions file must be set in the param.dat file. The output file format can either be a text file (Out_.dat) or a binary file (Out_.bin) The Format can be set in the param.dat file
The output file contains
- time in days
- id: particle index
- x: barycentric position in AU
- y: barycentric position in AU
- z: barycentric position in AU
- vx: barycentric velocity in AU/day
- vy: barycentric velocity in AU/day
- vz: barycentric velocity in AU/day
- minimal time step of last interval, in days