git clone
pip3 install scrapy
export USERNMAE=your_s1_user_name
export PASSWORD=your_s1_password
cd s1-scrapy/s1
scrapy crawl s1
A file in current directory in format of jsonlines. It contains two type of output.
Thread json example.
{"type": "thread", "title": "【S1移动客户端汇总 2020/7/7】", "tid": 1486168, "fid": 75, "replies": 193, "index": 351}
Reply json exmaple.
{"author": "星野心叶", "time": "2020-07-01 15:08:00", "content": "\r\n软件bug吧,我x和xr都遇到过,后来更新到某一版ios以后就没遇见过了", "index": 2, "tid": 1944844, "type": "reply", "fid": 51}
You need to split these two type of jsons later.
PAGES_TO_FETCH: Number of pages to fetch for each forum. Default 100
To change this setting, pass it to the scrapy command lines.
scrapy crawl s1 -s PAGES_TO_FETCH=100
To change the target forums, change the list named fourm_ids in s1/s1/spiders/