A simple project templating system to prevent copy-pasta overload. Zat is inspired by Giter8.
Zat has the following goals:
- It's easy to use
- Has great error messages
To use a remote template use:
zat process-remote --repository-url <YOUR_REMOTE_REPOSITORY> --target-dir <WHERE_TO_EXTRACT_THE_REPOSITORY>
Some useful remote templates are:
Template | Command |
Rust CLI Template | zat process-remote --repository-url https://github.com/ssanj/rust-cli-zat --target-dir <WHERE_TO_EXTRACT_THE_REPOSITORY> |
Basic Scala 3 Template | zat process-remote --repository-url https://github.com/ssanj/basic-scala3-zat --target-dir <WHERE_TO_EXTRACT_THE_REPOSITORY> |
Sublime Text Plugin Template | zat process-remote --repository-url https://github.com/ssanj/st-plugin-zat --target-dir <WHERE_TO_EXTRACT_THE_REPOSITORY> |
To use a local template use:
zat process --repository-dir <ZAT_REPOSITORY> --target-dir <WHERE_TO_EXTRACT_THE_REPOSITORY>
To setup a new template use:
zat bootstrap --repository-dir <ZAT_REPOSITORY>
Download the latest release for your operating system (Linux or macOSX). Make it executable with:
chmod +x <ZAT_EXEC>
Copy executable to a directory on your path.
Note: Windows is not explicitly supported at this time as I don't use Windows myself. If you want Windows support and can help with the implementation and testing, get in touch.
You can build Zat through Cargo with:
cargo install --git https://github.com/ssanj/zat
This will install Zat into your Cargo home directory; usually ~/.cargo/bin
Ensure you have Cargo installed.
cargo build --release
Copy binary file from target/release/zat to a directory on your PATH.
You can use Homebrew to install Zat from source on macOSX and Linux:
brew tap ssanj/homebrew-zat
brew install zat
See Taps for more information on taps.
Continue onto the User Manual for more detailed information on Zat.