- VM Name:
- Public IP:
- DNS:
- User
- Password: (feel free to save your ssh keys)
- Auto-shutdown: 1:01:00 AM PST
- Is the server up and running?
curl http://closet-cpen321.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/version
cd /home/closet/closet/backend # change directory
git fetch --all # fetch all
git reset --hard origin/master # remove all local chanegs!!!
npm install # if not installed
npm run test # feel free to run test to check
- Service is set to restart on fail or on reboot
- Partial environemnt variable is set already in the service file
sudo systemctl status closet-backend # check status (partial log)
sudo systemctl start closet-backend # start service
sudo systemctl stop closet-backend # stop service
sudo systemctl restart closet-backend # restart service
sudo systemctl enable # enable to run on boot
- Should also put into another location so we can have a clean log for each start of backend
journalctl -u closet-backend # all logs (use SHIFT-G to go to the bottom)
journalctl -u closet-backend -f # follow low
- A copy of service file is in this repository
sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/closet-backend.service # edit service file
sudo systemctl daemon-reload # reload service file
sudo systemctl start closet-backend # start service
sudo chmod +x /home/closet/closet/backend/index.js # add exceutable permissions to express app
sudo chmod go+w /home/closet/closet/backend # allows any users to write the app folder (for using fs)