NERDTree inspired Solution Explorer for Visual Studio. It integrates VIM bindings for tree navigation and manipulation into Visual Studio's hierarchy windows.
Follow the instructions on Visual Studio Marketplace or use Tools / Extensions and Updates
If building from source, use the resulting VsNerdX.vsix
Currently supported Visual Studio versions are 2017, 2019, and 2022.
- open & close nodeO
- recursively open nodex
- close parent of nodeX
- close all child nodes
of current node recursively
- open filego
- preview filei
- open splits
- open vertical split
- go to parentj
- go to next siblingJ
- go to last childk
- go to prev siblingK
- go to first childgg
- go to topG
- go to bottom
- deletecc
- cutyy
- copyyp
- copy full pathyw
- copy visible textp
- paster
- rename
- toggle show all files
- enter find mode - stops all processing of keys with the exception of EscEsc
- exit find mode - resumes handling of navigation keys?
- toggle help
- File a bug or request a new feature in issue tracker.
- Tweet me with any other feedback.