libreLeds is a combination of firmware, control app and pcbs that allows you to build led_enabled gadgets.
-Flash firmware on the esp8266 via arduino ide.
-Flash extra data via:
-Install app on your phone, set it to host a wifi AP named "ledMaster" with pass "clubmate", also make sure it will be (default on android).
-Fire the app and turn on the esp8266, it should autoconnect to the app.
-Configure Wifi and led Settings
-WS2812 (aka Neopixel) Strip & matrix(single & chained) through NeoPixel & NeoMatrix Library.
-APA102 (aka DotStar) Strip & matrix(single & chained) through FastLed Library
-Control through QT app(linux/android/mac/win).
-Artnet support (DMX over wifi).
-Music analizer with MSGEQ7 (vuLevel, spectrum, peak, bpms)
-Color Effects.
-Effect Playlist.
-Http Updater.
-Http file uploader.
-Stop the animations before changing the led config, shit can happen otherwise. -In AP mode there is a memory leak and in some minutes you loose remote control.
-Compile firmware: You will need latest arduino with esp8266 support from: Fastled Library from: Neopixel, matrix and gfx from adafruit.
the libraries included in the dependencies folder.
-Compile app latest QT for the desktop app, also android sdk for compiling android app.
...Explain here...