11 commits
to master_25
since this release
New release to mainly fix two important bugs that are crashing the software.
known issues
- some problems with windows 11 #3985 #4071
- some open issues are reported for 2.7 build #4045 #4037 #4036 #3996 #3923
- If you have problem with macos, check that post
- fix crash when the first object isn't the tallest #4309 #4313
- Fix crash when wipe into collapsed area #4301
- should be able to import step files on linux
- the search now display & can show you the frequent settings.
- allow variable with paths (thin walls, gap fills) to be printed in the reverse direction if allowed and useful to reduce travels.
- fix brim on first support layer (when it's not on the bed) #4300
- fix bad support grid #4306
- Fix seam notch for outer perimeters. #4305
I haven't tested the linux & macos build.
The mac intel version will ask you for permission, and the arm will tell you it's corrupted. You need to do xattr -cr /Applications/SuperSlicer.app
For Windows automatic installer/updates: https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/superslicer . Note that it has some days of delay, for the validation process. (I'll try to add superslicer also into winget)
You can have daily builds in the action menu of github.
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