This repository contains the original code of Gated Recurrent Context (paper links: arXiv, IEEE Transactions on ASLP).
This repository includes a pipeline scripts for training & inference of AED (Attention-based Encoder-Decoder) models for speech recognition task on LibriSpeech dataset.
All the included scripts are largely based on the RETURNN toolkit.
Installation process includes data download & preparation.
Basically follow the same process as installation guide of original setup by Albert Zeyer, only with a little modification as follows.
As this repository already contains RETURNN toolkit scripts in returnn/ directory, the '' script do not have to be executed.
If you want to use up-to-date version of RETURNN scripts rather than the RETURNN originally included in this repository, please check the instructions in '' and follow them.
Just execute scripts '' to '', in index-order of pipeline bash-scripts.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[n] bash [expname]
[expname] denotes the name of each experiment (e.g., 'E1.GSA_BiLSTM').
[n] denotes index of a GPU (e.g., '0')
(Only single-GPU experiments had been conducted.
Multi-GPU training is possible by using Horovod within RETURNN training, but not tested yet.)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[n] bash [expname] 0
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[n] bash [expname]