December 27, 2018 - Version 009 - Fixed problem with PubNub library update
October 28, 2018 - Version 008 - Fixed OLED Display, Blynk lock, disable manual water option, select non-existant plant water
October 14, 2018 - Version 007 - Initial Release plus Plant 6-9 support
October 11, 2018 - Version 006 - Initial Release minus Plant 6-9 support
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-pip python-dev python-smbus git
git clone
cd Adafruit_Python_GPIO
sudo python install
Make sure you installed I2C as in this link:
#Installing apscheduler and pil
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt-get install python-pil
sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools pip
sudo pip install setuptools --upgrade
sudo pip install apscheduler
#Installing PubNub
sudo pip install 'pubnub>=4.0.5'
#Installing Pixel Support
cd SDL_Pi_SmartGardenSystem
cd SDL_Pi_8PixelStrip
follow the installation directions in
Make sure you go down into the python directory and follow the in that directory
use "sudo" if you run into permissions problems with the python installation
Note: contains initial constants for running SmartPlantPi (Alarms, etc.) that you may want to change contains constants for hook up and other things you may want to change.