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Tatiana Bradley committed Jan 22, 2015
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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67 changes: 63 additions & 4 deletions latex/bibliography.bib
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author = "Person, Fake",
title = "A Book",
year = 1992,
%%% CITATION SYNTAX - ~\cite{hank}
@book {gouvea,
AUTHOR = {Gouv{\^e}a, Fernando Q.},
TITLE = {{$p$}-adic numbers},
SERIES = {Universitext},
NOTE = {An introduction},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin},
YEAR = {1993},
PAGES = {vi+282},
ISBN = {3-540-56844-1},
MRCLASS = {11S80 (11-01 11S85 12J25 30G06)},
MRNUMBER = {1251959 (95b:11111)},
MRREVIEWER = {Daniel Barsky},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-22278-2},
URL = {},

@book {hank,
AUTHOR = {Hankerson, Darrel and Menezes, Alfred and Vanstone, Scott},
TITLE = {Guide to elliptic curve cryptography},
SERIES = {Springer Professional Computing},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, New York},
YEAR = {2004},
PAGES = {xx+311},
ISBN = {0-387-95273-X},
MRCLASS = {94A60 (11T71 14G50 94-02)},
MRNUMBER = {2054891 (2005c:94049)},
MRREVIEWER = {Steven D. Galbraith},

@book {silv,
AUTHOR = {Silverman, Joseph H.},
TITLE = {The arithmetic of elliptic curves},
SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {106},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, New York},
YEAR = {1986},
PAGES = {xii+400},
ISBN = {0-387-96203-4},
MRCLASS = {11G05 (14Gxx 14K07 14K15)},
MRNUMBER = {817210 (87g:11070)},
MRREVIEWER = {Robert S. Rumely},
DOI = {10.1007/978-1-4757-1920-8},
URL = {},

@article {smart,
AUTHOR = {Smart, N. P.},
TITLE = {The discrete logarithm problem on elliptic curves of trace
JOURNAL = {J. Cryptology},
FJOURNAL = {Journal of Cryptology. The Journal of the International
Association for Cryptologic Research},
VOLUME = {12},
YEAR = {1999},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {193--196},
ISSN = {0933-2790},
MRCLASS = {11G20 (11T71 94A60)},
MRNUMBER = {1698180 (2000b:11069)},
DOI = {10.1007/s001459900052},
URL = {},
88 changes: 86 additions & 2 deletions latex/elliptic-curve-basics.tex
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\chapter{Elliptic Curve Basics}%
%\chapter{Elliptic Curves}%

\section{Introduction to Elliptic Curves}
% Weierstrass equation
Let $K$ be a field. An $\textbf{elliptic curve $E$ over $K$}$ is defined by an equation:
$$E : y^2 + a_1xy + a_3y = x^3 + a_2x^2 + a_4x + a_6$$
where $a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_6 \in K$ and the $\textbf{discriminant}$ $\Delta$ is non-zero. This equation is called a $\textbf{Weierstrass equation}$.
where $a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_6 \in K$ and the $\textbf{discriminant}$ $\Delta$\footnote{If you must know, $$\Delta = -d^2_2d_8 - 8d^3_4 - 27d_6^2 + 9d_2d_4d_6$$ } is non-zero. This equation is called a $\textbf{Weierstrass equation}$.

When char$(K) \neq 2, 3$, we can change variables
to arrive at the simplified Weierstrass equation:
$$ E : y^2 = x^3 + ax + b $$
where $a, b \in K$.

% L-rational points
Expand All @@ -16,6 +22,11 @@ \chapter{Elliptic Curve Basics}%
The set of L-rational points is denoted $E(L)$.

An elliptic curve can be defined over any field $K$, but in cryptography we generally restrict $K$ to be a finite field $F_q$ where
$q = p^n$, for $p$ prime and $n \in \Z_{>0}$. In this paper we will restrict ourselves even further to prime fields
$\F_p$ where $p \neq 2, 3$, and to an infinite field $\Q_p$ (the $p$-adics), which have characteristic 0. This means we will always be able to use the
simplified equation given in the first definition above.

% Trace of Frobenius
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over a finite field $\finfield$. The $\textbf{trace of Frobenius}$ t is defined by:
Expand All @@ -27,3 +38,76 @@ \chapter{Elliptic Curve Basics}%
The trace of Frobenius is equal to one if and only if $E(\finfield)$ has exactly $q$ elements. This has important implications
for cryptography, as we will see.

\subsection{The group law}
\todo[inline, caption={Geometric group law}]{Describe geometric group law and how it motivates algebraic one. Possibly add
figures to motivate this.}
\begin{defn} Let $E(K)$ be an elliptic curve over a field $K$ with $char(K) \neq 2, 3$ defined by $y^3 =x^3 ax + b$ with point at infinity $\OO$. Let
$P = (x_P, y_P)$ and $Q = (x_Q, y_Q)$ be points on $E(K)$. Then:
$\OO + P = P$ and $P + \OO = P$.
\item(Additive inverses.)
The additive inverse of $P$, denoted $-P$, is in $E(K)$, and
$P + (-P) = \OO$.
\item{(Point Doubling.)}
If P is not its own inverse, then $P + P = 2P = (x_{2P}, y_{2P})$ where
$$x_{2P} = N^2 - 2 x_P, $$
$$y_{2P} = N(x_P - x_{2P}) - y_P,$$
$$N = \frac{3x_P^2 + a}{2y_P}.$$
\item(Point Addition.)
If $P \neq Q$ and $P \neq -Q$ then
$P + Q = R = (x_{R}, y_{R})$ where
$$x_{R} = M^2 - x_P - x_Q,$$
$$y_{R} = M * (x_P - x_{R}) - y_P,$$
$$M = \frac{y_Q - y_P}{x_Q - x_P}.$$


\end{defn}$E(K)$ is an abelian group under this group law.
Let $P$ be a point on an elliptic curve. We use the notation $[n]P$ to denote scalar multiplication of $P$ by a non-zero integer $n$. In other words, $$[n]P = P + P + ... + P \ \mathrm{(n \ times)}.$$

\subsection{Projective space and projective coordinates}

\subsection{The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem}
The interesting thing about elliptic curves with regards to cryptography
is that their structure can be used to construct a "one-way" function.\footnote{In this case one-way is in quotes because the problem is only hard in
certain cases, and there is no guarantee that there is not some clever way to render the
general problem easy.}
A one-way function is one that is easy to perform but hard to undo (i.e., it is difficult to retrieve the input,
given an output).
\begin{defn}[Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem]
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over a finite field $\F_q$, and let $P$ be a point on $E$. Suppose we have a point $Q$
on $E$ that is some scalar multiple of $P$, i.e.,
$$[n]P = Q, \ \ \ \ n \in \NN. $$
The \textbf{elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem} (ECDLP) is to determine the natural number $n$, given $E$, $P$
and $Q$.

On the other hand, the problem of determining $[n]P$ given $n$ and $P$ is not hard. One simple (to describe)
way to do this is by using successive squaring.

\begin{defn}[Successive Squaring for Elliptic Curves].
Suppose we have an elliptic curve $E(K)$, a point $P \in E(K)$ and a nonnegative integer $n$.
We can compute $[n]P$ recursively by calling SuccessiveSquare($n$, $P$). The analogue of
squaring for elliptic curves is doubling.\\ \\
SuccessiveSquare(nonnegative integer $m$, point on elliptic curve $Q$): \todo{Fix formatting here}
If m = 0, return $\OO$.
If m = 1, return $Q$.
If $n$ is even, return $[m/2](2Q)$ by calling SuccessiveSquare$(n / 2, 2Q)$.
If $n$ is odd, return $[(m - 1)/2](2Q)$ by calling SuccessiveSquare( $(m-1) / 2, 2Q$) and add $Q$.
This asymptotic run-time of this algorithm is $O(\log{n})$, a considerable improvement on
brute force computation of $P + P + P + ...$ which takes $O(n)$ time. There are even faster
algorithms for this computation that we do not describe here.

7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions latex/formal-log.tex
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\chapter{Formal Power Series and Formal Logarithm}%
%\chapter{Formal Power Series and Formal Logarithm}%

\section{Formal Power Series}

Expand All @@ -8,5 +8,4 @@ \section{Formal Power Series}

\section{Formal Logarithm}
\section{Formal Logarithm}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion latex/intro.tex
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ \chapter{Introduction}%

\section{What is an elliptic curve?}

An elliptic curve is wisdom. ~\cite{Example}
An elliptic curve is wisdom. ~\cite{hank}


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50 changes: 47 additions & 3 deletions latex/p-adics.tex
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\chapter{P-adic numbers}%
\section{The $p$-adics}

\section{The p-adics}

The $p$-adics $\Q_p$ are an alternate completion of the rationals $\Q$, with respect to the $p$-adic absolute value.
\footnote{The standard completion of $\Q$, of course, is $\R$ with respect
to the familiar absolute value} They will be useful in our discussion of solving ECDLP for curves of trace one.
\todo{Introduce what p-adics look like here?}
For a rational number $a$ and a prime number $p$, separate out all factors of $p$ from $a$ and write: $$ a = p^r \dfrac{m}{n} $$ where $r$, $m$ and $n$ are integers, and $p$ does not divide $m$ or $n$. The exponent $r$ is called the $\textbf{p-adic ordinal}$ of $a$, denoted $\text{ord}_p(a)$.
Expand All @@ -25,6 +27,12 @@ \section{The p-adics}
The p-adic absolute value is a norm on $\Q$, and induces a metric $$d_p(a, \ b) = | a - b |_p$$ for $a, b \in \Q$.

\todo{Prove this!}

\todo[inline, caption="p-adic comment"]{Explain why we don't really detailed proofs of Cauchy sequences etc}

A p-adic number $a$ is called a $\textbf{p-adic integer}$ if $ord_p(a) \ge 0$. The set of all p-adic integers is
denoted $\Z_p$.
Expand All @@ -33,3 +41,39 @@ \section{The p-adics}
A p-adic integer is always of the form $$a_0 + a_1p + a_2p^2 + ... ,$$ i.e., all powers of $p$ are non-negative.

\subsection{Computing lifts and reducing modulo $p$}
Since $\Q_p$ is a field with characteristic 0, we can talk about elliptic curves over the $p$-adics, and all of the
theory we built up in the previous sections applies.

\todo{Describe computation of lifts}

Going the other way is simple. We define a map from $E(\Q_p)$ to $\tilde{E}(\F_p)$
by reducing a point modulo $p$, i.e, extracting its $a_0$ term.
\todo{more on reduction mod p}

\subsection{More about elliptic curves over $\Q_p$}

Let $E(\Q_p)$ be an elliptic curve. The group $E_1(\Q_p)$ is defined to be:
$$ E_1(\Q_p) = \{ P \in E(\Q_p) \ | \ \tilde{P} = \OO \}. $$
In words, $E_1$ is the set of points on $E$ that reduce modulo $p$ to $\OO$.
This leads naturally to the following proposition:

$$E(\Q_p) / E_1(\Q_p) \simeq E(\F_p).$$

Define a map $r: E(\Q_p) \to E(F_p)$ where $r(P) = \tilde{P}$. \todo{Prove this is a homomorphism} By definition,
the kernel of this map is $E_1(\Q_p)$. The result follows from the First Isomorphism Theorem.

The subgroup $E_n$ (for $n \in N$) of $E(\Q_p)$ is defined:
$$ E_n(\Q_p) = \{ P \in E(\Q_p) \ | \ \mathrm{ord}_p(x_P) \le -2n \} \cup \{ \OO \}, $$
where $x_P$ is the x-coordinate of $P$.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions latex/projective-space.tex
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\section{Projective Space}
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\chapter{Discrete Logarithm on Elliptic Curves of Trace One}

In this section we will see that elliptic curves of trace one should not be used for cryptography, because there is a subexponential algorithm
for solving the ECDLP in this case. This algorithm was initially proposed by Nigel Smart in ~\cite{smart}.

Recall that if $E$ is an elliptic curve over a field $\F_q$, then having trace one means that:
$$ \#E(\F_p) = p.$$
In words, the number of group elements is the same as the number of elements in the
underlying prime field.

Throughout this section, we will work with a toy example so that the computations can be
shown in full.


Let $E$ be defined over $F_7$ by the equation:
$$ y^2 = x^3 + 6x + 5.$$
This is an elliptic curve because the discriminant $\Delta = -16 (4 \cdot 6^3 + 27 \cdot 5^2) = -24624 \neq 0.$\footnote{The equation for the discriminant simplifies to
$$\Delta = -16(4a^3 + 27b^2)$$
for $E(K)$ with with char($K$)$\neq 2, 3$. Here char($\F_7$) = 7.}


The points satisfying $E$ are:

$\OO$ & (2, 2) & (2, 5) & (3, 1) \\
(3, 6) & (4, 3) & (4, 4). &
$E$ has $7$ points, so it has trace one.

Now let $\tilde{P} = (2, 5)$ and $\tilde{Q} = (4, 3)$. Suppose we know that
$$ [n]\tilde{P} = \tilde{Q} $$
for some natural number $n$ (this is indeed the case). How can we solve the discrete log problem and determine $n$?

We do not have a (known) direct way of computing logarithms in $\F_p$, but we do have a way in the $p$-adics $Q_p$.

\begin{ex}[Computation of lifts]
We compute the lifts of $\tilde{P}$ and $\tilde{Q}$ in $E(\F_7)$ to $P$ and $Q$ in $E(\Q_7)$. \\
We know $\tilde{P} = (2, 5)$ and we want to solve for $P = (x, y)$.
We choose $x = 2$. We want to solve for the first two coefficients $a_0$ and $a_1$ of the $p$-adic expansion of $y = a_0 + a_1p + ...$. Since $y$ must reduce
to $5$, we let $a_0 = 5$.We use our formula for $a_1$:
$$ a_1 = -\frac{f(2, 5)}{7 * (2*5)} = \frac{5^2 - 2^3 - 6*2- 5}{70} = 0 ? $$
COMMENT : Is this wrong, or is it the anomalous case Smart mentioned?
Using a similar method, we determine that $Q = $. TODO

\begin{ex}[Scalar multiplication by $p$]
We compute $[7]P$ and $[7]Q$.
%Since char($\Q_7$) = 0, we can use the simplified addition law introduced on page \pageref{sec:elliptic-curves}.

$E_1(\Q_p)$ can be defined in this way as well. EXPLAIN WHY. \\
QUESTION: $E_0(\Q_p)$ is the same as $E(\Q_p$?

For $E$ an elliptic curve over $\Q_p$, we define $\hat{E}(p\Z_p)$ to be the set $p\Z_p$ with
addition law:
$$ x \oplus y = F(x, y) \mathrm{ \ for \ all \ } x, y \in p\Z_p, $$
where $F$ is the formal power series:
$$ F(x, y) = x + y - ...$$ TODO : figure out what this is in the simplified case

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Binary file not shown.
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\contentsline {todo}{Geometric group law}{3}
\contentsline {todo}{Fix formatting here}{4}
\contentsline {todo}{Introduce what p-adics look like here?}{5}
\contentsline {todo}{Prove this!}{6}
\contentsline {todo}{"p-adic comment"}{6}
\contentsline {todo}{Describe computation of lifts}{6}
\contentsline {todo}{more on reduction mod p}{6}
\contentsline {todo}{Prove this is a homomorphism}{6}

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