This is my config with plugins that I choose to include. I got tired from pre-configurated bundles like astronvim, so I decided to build my own environment.
I will try to make this config documented as much as possible. I want to understand what every line of code do and why it is important in my config. Also, I will try to make this config lightweight, and will not include features that I dont or rarely use.
I will choose lazy.nvim, because I familliar with it from my astronvim config.
NOTE: The LazyPlugin that is passed to some functions in plugin spec is the table itself.
- Better escape. Reduces delay when using jj exit combination.
- nvim-web-devicons. Adds icons to various nvim plugins.
- bufferline. Adds the good-looking bufferline above. Dependencies: nvim-web-devicons
- markdown-preview. Markdown preview in browser. Usage: :MarkdownPreviewToggle, :MarkdownPreview, :MarkdownPreviewStop
- nvim-tree. File explorer. I will try to use this, instead of neotree to try to use something different.
- telescope. Fuzzy finder. Dependencies: plenary
- toggleterm. Plugin for managing multiple terminal windows.
- autopairs. Autopairs. Very convinient.
- nvim-cmp. Autocompletion engine plugin. I've tried to use coq_nvim, but IMHO nvim-cmp is better, cause main advantage of coq_nvim is speed, but nvim-cmp is works fast too.
- gitsigns. Adds git signs in statuscolumn. Looks like useful plugin, but I need to see it's docs to understand all of this colors.
- heirline, heirline-components. Engine for creating custom statusbars, winbars, statuscolumns. Very hard plugin to configure, but it gives cool statusbars at the end.
- highlight-colors. Adds real-time color highlighting.
- lspconfig