- NEO V1.1 motors
- SparkMAX motor controllers
- SDS MK4i swerve modules
- L2 gear ratio
- CANCoder
- Swerve drivebase
- Elevator
- Arm
- Shooter
- Intake
- NavX
- PathPlannerLib
- Phoenix6
- REVLib
- SS - Source Side
- SM - Middle
- SA - Amp Side
- H1 - Note closest to the amp
- H2 - Note in between amp and stage
- H3 - Note in front of stage post
- C1 - Center note on amp's side
- C2 - Center note in between absolute center and C1
- C3 - Center note in the center
- C4 - Center note in between absolute center and C5
- C5 - Center note on source's side
See the path naming scheme for starting position