A macOS and Windows NodeJS package to control and get informations from iTunes through AppleScript
If you need OS X Mavericks and earlier support, use the 0.3.0-alpha, but you will have no Windows support and events in this version.
This package is a WIP, a lot of functions will be added in the future and some that are already existing could change
You can find it at itunes-bridge.js.org
var iTunes = require('./itunes-bridge');
var currentTrack = iTunes.getCurrentTrack();
// We load the iTunes-bridge emitter to receive events
var iTunesEmitter = iTunes.emitter;
case "playing": {
var exampleMsg = "iTunes is currently playing " + currentTrack.name + " by " + currentTrack.artist + ' from the album "' + currentTrack.album + '". This song is ' + currentTrack.duration + 's long and will finish in ' + currentTrack.remainingTime+'s';
var exampleMsg2 = "You have " + iTunes.getPlaylistCount('/Users/steve/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.xml') + " playlists in your library and " + iTunes.getTrackCount('/Users/steve/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.xml') + " tracks!";
case "paused": {
var exampleMsg = 'iTunes is currently paused';
case "stopped": {
var exampleMsg = "iTunes is not playing at the moment.";
// Do something when iTunes is playing
iTunesEmitter.on('playing', function(type, currentTrack){
// If it is a paused track that restarts playing
if(type === "player_state_change") {
console.log(currentTrack.name + " has been resumed! ");
// Or if it is a new track
}else if(type === 'new_track'){
console.log(currentTrack.name+" is now playing!")
// Do something when iTunes is paused
iTunesEmitter.on('paused', function(type, currentTrack){
console.log(currentTrack.name+" is now paused!");
// Do something when iTunes is stopped
iTunesEmitter.on('stopped', function(){
console.log("iTunes is not longer playing!");
If you want to use iTunes-bridge with Electron and the ASAR compression system, you need to use electron-builder and add the following to your package.json:
"asarUnpack": [