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How to Run the Project

  1. Install the packages using pnpm install
  2. Setup your .env file based on the .env.example file.
    • You can use a free tier database from Planetscale. Use pnpm run db:push to setup your database schema.
  3. Start the development server using pnpm dev
    • If you only want to start one app, you can use the --filter option.
    • For example, pnpm run dev --filter bot... will only run the bot.
      • Adding the ... at the end is crucial, because it ensures that all subpackages required by that app will also be run
  4. Changes will be automatically hot-reloaded as you save them.


There are several scripts available for you to use in this template. These are all used by running pnpm run <name>.

  • build - This will generate a production build of your apps..
  • changeset - This will generate a Changeset for publishing packages.
  • clean - This will clean all generated files and builds from your apps.
  • db:generate - This will generate a Prisma client based on the database schema.
  • db:push - This will push the database schema to your development database.
  • db:studio - This will open an instance of Prisma Studio for your development database.
  • dev - This will start all your apps in development mode.
  • publish - This will publish all changesets that have been created since the last release.
  • pretty - This will run Prettier and ESLint together on all files in Kiai.
  • start - This will start Kiai in production mode.

Monorepo Structure


Apps are listed in the apps directory and are the main applications you are developing, such as a website, CF worker, or bot.


Packages are shared pieces of code that are used by multiple apps. They are listed in the packages directory.









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