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NiFi deployment & CICD

Deploy a NiFi cluster as StatefulSet in k8s and continuous deployment of applications.

Covering two use cases:

  • Setting up NiFi in minikube (this is what we provide to developers as a playground).
  • Production ready deployment.

When we initially started deploying NiFi it was version on 1.5, k8s support for NiFi was not that great. Things have changed a lot since then.

This repo addresses two main concerns:

  • How to Deploy NiFi as a StatefulSet application
  • How to do CICD


Repo structure

👋 Repo is divided into two parts: k8s stateful deployment and building NiFi docker image.

  • _kube: k8s cluster deployment related files

  • _kube/config: Properties files

  • _kube/templates: templates (in xml format)

  • application/nifi_setup_1.11.4_stateful/build/deploy: All scripts for building the NiFi docker image reside

  • application/nifi_setup_1.11.4_stateful/build/custom_processors: All custom processors jar files

CICD process

  • As NiFi is a stateful app, had to make some adjustments to our rollout, with every run:

Delete Statefulset app

sh "kubectl delete --namespace=${env.NameSpace} --server='' --username=${k8s_user} --password=${k8s_pwd} --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true statefulsets ${env.serviceName} --cascade=false"

Delete Statefulset pods

sh "kubectl delete --server='' --username=${k8s_user} --password=${k8s_pwd}  --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true pods -l cluster=${env.serviceName} -n ${env.NameSpace} --force --grace-period=0"

Delete PVC

sh "kubectl delete --server='' --username=${k8s_user} --password=${k8s_pwd}  --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true pvc -l cluster=${env.serviceName} -n ${env.NameSpace} "

Deploy Statefulset

steps {
    script {
        try {
            withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'k8s_cluster_pwd_qa', passwordVariable: 'k8s_pwd', usernameVariable: 'k8s_user')]) {
                sh "kubectl create --namespace=${env.NameSpace} --server='' --username=${k8s_user} --password=${k8s_pwd} --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true -f _kube/qa/statefulset.yaml"
                sh("eval \$(kubectl describe svc ${env.serviceName} --namespace=${env.NameSpace} --server='' --username=${k8s_user} --password=${k8s_pwd} --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true |grep -i nodeport |grep -i web |grep -v hook |awk {'print \$3'}|cut -f1 -d '/' > NodePort)")
                script {
                    env.NODEPORT = readFile('NodePort')
                    sh "cat NodePort"
        catch (exc) {sh 'echo statefulset does not exist...'}

  • Deploy NiFi Template & Deploy Monitoring

How to run

- python <nifi_url> <repo location of templates> <template_name><project_name>
- python nifi-template.xml application_name


  • We are also using a headless service

  • We expose nifi metrics in prometheus format

  • Update _kube/statefulset.yaml with right information

  • You will notice the annotations in Statefulset.yaml file, we are exporting metrics and logs to Datadog

  • nifi_setup_1.11.4_stateful/build/deploy/ points to custom logback.xml file

  • Custom logback.xml to handle log in log issue with nifi logs(not sure if this is resolved in the latest version)

  • statefulset.yaml is highly commented to work in minikube or in prod cluster with minimal changes

  • Currently it works with SecurityContext will be changing it to work with PSP


👋 The best way to use k8s related files just search and replace sample-sync with the required name and you are ready to go.

Minikube setup

demo$ minikube service list
|      NAMESPACE       |           NAME            | TARGET PORT  |              URL               |
| default              | kubernetes                | No node port |
| devops               | sample-sync               |              |      |
|                      |                           |              |      |
|                      |                           |              |      |
|                      |                           |              |      |
| devops               | sample-sync-headless      | No node port |
| kube-system          | kube-dns                  | No node port |
| kubernetes-dashboard | dashboard-metrics-scraper | No node port |
| kubernetes-dashboard | kubernetes-dashboard      | No node port |

Enable ingress on minikube

demo$ minikube addons enable ingress
The 'ingress' addon is enabled

Headless service

👋 A Headless Service is a service when you don’t need load-balancing and a single Service IP. Instead of load-balancing it will return the IPs of the attached Pod. Headless Services do not have a Cluster IP associated. Request will not be proxied by kube-proxy, instead NiFi will handle the service discovery.


👋 If you find any issues or wants to see anything specific please open an issue.