An open source Jetton deployer webapp, based on jetton contracts starter template.
Instructions: Make sure you have a TON wallet with at least 0.25 TON balance.
Use your web browser to open the site of the deploy form:
To use the Testnet version open this link:
Safety Notice: The form is based on this repo and served from GitHub Pages
Click the "Connect Wallet" button to connect your wallet.
Fill in the information about your Jetton in the form - choose a name, ticker and image URL.
Deploy and approve the deploy transaction in your wallet.
Once the token is deployed, the deploying wallet will receive all the tokens that were minted, and the form will encourage you to revoke ownership.
This project is based on create-react-app.
Clone or fork the project
Run npm install
Run npm start
Open http://localhost:3000
Yes. See