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Some index changes:
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* making it possible to index without ID but with options
* making it possible to bulk index without IDs
* fixing bulk indexes which were broken if not using `jsx`
* also accounting for the fact that `erlastic_json()` can also be a map
* the only possibly breaking change is if someone out there used that
  lib to index a doc with the atom `undefined` as ID, which seems like
  a bad idea anyway (and is against the spec that it should be a binary)
  • Loading branch information
wk8 committed May 3, 2016
1 parent 8a4982c commit c2a4e07
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Showing 3 changed files with 33 additions and 22 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion include/erlastic_search.hrl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-type header() :: {binary(), binary()}.
-type headers() :: [header()].
-type erlastic_json() :: tuple() | list().
-type erlastic_json() :: tuple() | list() | map().
%% Hackney async references actually are just that, references... but it seems
%% to be an undocumented implementation detail; doc (and specs) only says `any()'
-type erlastic_success_result() :: erlastic_json() | {async, HackneyRef :: any()}.
Expand Down
49 changes: 30 additions & 19 deletions src/erlastic_search.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ put_mapping(Index, Type, Doc) ->
put_mapping(#erls_params{}, Index, Type, Doc).

-spec put_mapping(#erls_params{}, binary(), binary(), erlastic_json() | binary()) -> {ok, erlastic_success_result()} | {error, any()}.
put_mapping(Params, Index, Type, Doc) when is_list(Doc); is_tuple(Doc) ->
put_mapping(Params, Index, Type, Doc) when is_list(Doc); is_tuple(Doc); is_map(Doc) ->
put_mapping(Params, Index, Type, erls_json:encode(Doc));
put_mapping(Params, Index, Type, Doc) when is_binary(Doc) ->
erls_resource:put(Params, filename:join([Index, Type, "_mapping"]), [], [], Doc, Params#erls_params.http_client_options).
Expand All @@ -148,10 +149,14 @@ index_doc(Index, Type, Doc) ->
index_doc(#erls_params{}, Index, Type, Doc).

-spec index_doc(#erls_params{}, binary(), binary(), erlastic_json() | binary()) -> {ok, erlastic_success_result()} | {error, any()}.
index_doc(Params, Index, Type, Doc) when is_list(Doc); is_tuple(Doc) ->
index_doc(Params, Index, Type, erls_json:encode(Doc));
index_doc(Params, Index, Type, Doc) when is_binary(Doc) ->
erls_resource:post(Params, filename:join(Index, Type), [], [], Doc, Params#erls_params.http_client_options).
index_doc(Params, Index, Type, Doc) ->
index_doc_with_opts(Params, Index, Type, Doc, []).

-spec index_doc_with_opts(#erls_params{}, binary(), binary(), erlastic_json() | binary(), list()) -> {ok, erlastic_success_result()} | {error, any()}.
index_doc_with_opts(Params, Index, Type, Doc, Opts) when is_list(Opts), (is_list(Doc) orelse is_tuple(Doc) orelse is_map(Doc)) ->
index_doc_with_opts(Params, Index, Type, erls_json:encode(Doc), Opts);
index_doc_with_opts(Params, Index, Type, Doc, Opts) when is_list(Opts), is_binary(Doc) ->
erls_resource:post(Params, filename:join(Index, Type), [], Opts, Doc, Params#erls_params.http_client_options).

%% @doc
Expand All @@ -169,9 +174,11 @@ index_doc_with_id(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc) ->
index_doc_with_id_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, []).

-spec index_doc_with_id_opts(#erls_params{}, binary(), binary(), binary(), erlastic_json() | binary(), list()) -> {ok, erlastic_success_result()} | {error, any()}.
index_doc_with_id_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, Opts) when is_list(Opts), (is_list(Doc) orelse is_tuple(Doc)) ->
index_doc_with_id_opts(Params, Index, Type, undefined, Doc, Opts) ->
index_doc_with_opts(Params, Index, Type, Doc, Opts);
index_doc_with_id_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, Opts) when is_list(Opts), (is_list(Doc) orelse is_tuple(Doc) orelse is_map(Doc)) ->
index_doc_with_id_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, erls_json:encode(Doc), Opts);
index_doc_with_id_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, Opts) when is_binary(Doc), is_list(Opts) ->
index_doc_with_id_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, Opts) when is_list(Opts), is_binary(Doc) ->
erls_resource:post(Params, filename:join([Index, Type, Id]), [], Opts, Doc, Params#erls_params.http_client_options).

Expand All @@ -189,7 +196,7 @@ upsert_doc(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc) ->
upsert_doc_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, []).

-spec upsert_doc_opts(#erls_params{}, binary(), binary(), binary(), erlastic_json(), list()) -> {ok, erlastic_success_result()} | {error, any()}.
upsert_doc_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, Opts) when is_list(Opts), (is_list(Doc) orelse is_tuple(Doc)) ->
upsert_doc_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, Opts) when is_list(Opts), (is_list(Doc) orelse is_tuple(Doc) orelse is_map(Doc)) ->
DocBin = erls_json:encode(Doc),
%% we cannot use erls_json to generate this, see the doc string for `erls_json:encode/1'
Body = <<"{\"doc_as_upsert\":true,\"doc\":", DocBin/binary, "}">>,
Expand All @@ -200,19 +207,12 @@ upsert_doc_opts(Params, Index, Type, Id, Doc, Opts) when is_list(Opts), (is_list
%% Documents is [ {Index, Type, Id, Json}, {Index, Type, Id, HeaderInformation, Json}... ]
-spec bulk_index_docs(#erls_params{}, list()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, any()}.
bulk_index_docs(Params, IndexTypeIdJsonTuples) ->
MakeBody = fun
(Doc) when is_binary(Doc) ->
(Doc) when is_list(Doc) orelse is_map(Doc) ->

Body = lists:map(fun
Build({Index, Type, Id, Doc}) ->
Build({Index, Type, Id, [], Doc});
Build({Index, Type, Id, HeaderInformation, Doc}) ->
Header = bulk_index_docs_header(Index, Type, Id, HeaderInformation),
[ Header, <<"\n">>, MakeBody(Doc), <<"\n">> ]
[ Header, <<"\n">>, bulk_index_doc_body(Doc), <<"\n">> ]
end, IndexTypeIdJsonTuples),
erls_resource:post(Params, <<"/_bulk">>, [], [], iolist_to_binary(Body), Params#erls_params.http_client_options).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,9 +355,20 @@ commas([H | T]) ->

-spec bulk_index_docs_header(binary(), binary(), binary(), list()) -> binary().
bulk_index_docs_header(Index, Type, Id, HeaderInformation) ->
erls_json:encode([{<<"index">>, [
IndexHeaderJson1 = [
{<<"_index">>, Index}
,{<<"_type">>, Type}
,{<<"_id">>, Id}
| HeaderInformation

IndexHeaderJson2 = case Id =:= undefined of
true -> [{<<"_id">>, Id} | IndexHeaderJson1];
false -> IndexHeaderJson1

%% we cannot use erls_json to generate this, see the doc string for `erls_json:encode/1'
jsx:encode([{<<"index">>, IndexHeaderJson2}]).

-spec bulk_index_doc_body(binary() | erlastic_json()) -> binary().
bulk_index_doc_body(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> Bin;
bulk_index_doc_body(Doc) -> erls_json:encode(Doc).
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/erls_config.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
%% @doc
%% Retrieves the default host.
%% If nothing is defined in the app env for the key 'host', it's
%% <<"localhost">>.
%% <<"">>.
%% @end
get_host() ->
case application:get_env(erlastic_search, host) of
undefined ->
{ok, Host}->
Expand Down

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