##tl;dr Jekyll templates for design specs for design projects for the Firefox Marketplace.
You can see a demo at http://tsmuse.github.io/Firefox-Marketplace-UXSpecs-Templates/
A series of template files used to construct design specs that live as GitHub projects for the Firefox Marketplace project. This repo is the blank templates, please don't make pull requests to add your project to this repo. However, please do make pull requests to add new templates, bug fixes, etc that will make future design specs more awesome-er.
Copy, update and link together pages as needed for your project. IT'S JUST THAT EASY!!!! :D IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to update the _config.yml file with your project's details. If you don't update the baseurl and url properties the links to the CSS and JS won't work and your site will appear broken.
The template for your project's title page.
A template for a text only/long-form text page, with the text arranged in a single column.
A template for a long-form text page, with the text arranged in a single column to the right and a single image to the left.
A template for a long-form page, with content arranged in a single column with a floating nav in the left.
A template for a text only/long-form text page, with the text arranged in two columns.
A template for a single, large graphic with accompanying text
A template for a single, large graphic with accompanying text spilt into two columns
A template for two thumbnail images with accompanying text, and a modal/popup full-sized image view for each thumbnail
A template for three thumbnail images with accompanying text, and a modal/popup full-sized image view for each thumbnail
A template for four thumbnail images with accompanying text, and a modal/popup full-sized image view for each thumbnail
The base template for all these other templates. This is where I did most of the work for the top nav and footer stuff. Build any brand new, non-derivative new templates off this one