Updated for Of Flesh and Faith
Latest Update: 10/1/2024 - Added logic for Ijirok armor testing. Added a condition for the code to terminate if the defender survives abnormally long.
Note: Osgboy has made a web-app version of the calculator if you don't want to have to download and use the raw code. Check it out here: https://osgboy.pythonanywhere.com/ Big thanks to Osgboy for adapting the code and buliding the site to make it more user friendly.
A script that simulates the damage formula used in Battle Brothers, returning expected hits until death, injury, heavy injury, and morale check given whatever scenario you provide. Also returns % chance of death by hit, and can also return % chance of first injuries or morale by hit.
Includes over 80 different switches from unique weapon cases, perks, attachments, race, etc. to create almost any scenario you can imagine from in game. There are 35 attacker presets and 41 defender presets provided for convenience.
Includes a lot of comments to help make the code easy and intuitive to understand.
BBCalc.py is the main calculator for general use. BBNimbleBattery.py will run 15 common Nimble sets given your scenario. BBRaisingHp.py will run a given scenario at various hp counts. BB1HanderBattery.py will run all of the top end 1Handers against a given target. BB2HanderBattery.py will run all of the top end 2Handers against a given target. BBAttackerVsEnemies.py will run a given attacker against 30 enemies from the game. BBEnemiesVsDefender.py will run 35 enemies against a given defender. BBHitChance.py is a rehash of the main calculator with a very basic addition of a hit chance variable.
Also included is a file called data.txt which includes information on hp/armor statistics and calculator relevant perks for all enemies as well as weapon data for most weapons and Beasts.
At the bottom of each calculator is a version history, where you can see changelogs to compare with if you have an older version, or just want to see what new features have been added.
For instruction on setting up the calculator and how to use it once it is ready, please refer to the Installation and User Guide documents provided in the repository. I walk through step by step how to setup the calculator and use it with pictures and examples. Although I do not have a gui, the calculator is easy to use once you know how. The guide will help you get it running. The guide assists with setting up VSCode which is my preferred way to use the calculator, but if you want to use a different IDE then you can do so.
If you don't want to bother with manually installing and interacting with the code, then please use the web-app gui that osgboy has created here: https://osgboy.pythonanywhere.com/
Another alternative to manually setting up your own coding environment is to import the code into https://replit.com/. This will still involve manually interacting with the code, but it makes it so that you don't have to download your own IDE. This is not my preferred way of using the calculator but I still wanted to mention it as an option.
Most of the scripts do not factor in hit chance and I do not plan on adding it in. If there is a demand for it then I may consider expanding on the current BBHitChance.py version. Bleeding damage is going to be an approximation due to the sandbox nature of the calculator. Since the calculator cannot know for sure when "turns" pass and therefore when to apply Bleeding damage, it is forced to make an educated guess. The way I did it was to apply Bleeding damage every two attacks, (which is 1 turn for Cleavers), based on the current number of Bleeding stacks. The calculator depends on the user to create scenarios that make sense. You can give Split Man to a Pike and the calculator will run, but of course that data is meaningless because Pikes do not have Split Man. I included a file with enemy and weapon data for reference, as well as wrote many comments in the code to make it as user friendly as possible.
Thank you, I hope you enjoy it.
Author: turtle225
Contact: [email protected]
Special Thanks:
-- Abel (aka) Villain Joueur: For grabbing the damage formula out of the game code, writing the damage page on the wiki, and for helping me with many questions along the way.
-- Osgboy: For making a web-app gui version of the calculator making it much more user friendly and accessible to people. Located here: https://osgboy.pythonanywhere.com/
-- Wall (aka) Wlira: For helping me with some questions along the way and having an existing calculator for me to test against. Also for pointing out Replit as an option for using the calculator.
-- You: If you are using the calculator, thank you! If you find any bugs or have feedback/questions/suggestions, you can usually find me on the Steam forums or send me an email.
-- Overhype: For making an amazing game for us to play.
Upcoming update (note written 8/4/2024): There is currently a bug in the game with Split Man where it does not interact with generic damage modifiers on the second hit (ie things like Frenzy, Huge, Dazed, etc.). This is reportedly fixed in the next update of the game, but that has not been released yet. I will update the calculator once that update goes live. The calculator currently accounts for the bug existing.
Prior Update: 8/22/2024 - Fixed some attacker/defender presets that were incorrect. Fixed Boneplates working against Puncture.
Prior Update: 6/27/2023 - Added the ability to track the first instance of a bleed proc for cleaver tests and return this data in the output. Now you can test various armor lines, perks, or attachments, and see how that helps prolong the first instance of suffering bleed.
Prior update: 4/11/2022 - Fixed a bug where having Forge with low armor against Split Man was giving much better survivability than it should have been. Heavy armor Forge vs. Split Man tests were unlikely to be impacted by this bug, as they tend to die before armor was destroyed anyway.
Prior Update: 3/13/2022 - Adjusted Orc Berserker preset for Berserk Chain damage buff.
Prior update: 3/10/2022 - Added the changes that occurred from the Of Flash and Faith dlc balance pass. Notably, 2H Flails got reworked and that logic has been configured. HeadHunter change only effects the hit chance version of the calculator. Nine Lives, Handgonne, Throwing, and Fearsome changes are all in. Also added +5% armor ignore to Aimed Shot which I never realized it had before.
Prior update: 7/17/2021 - Added morale check/drop mechanics and tracking. You can now see the expected number of hits before the defender will fall to Wavering, Breaking, or Fleeing morale. Added Fearsome logic to this as well. Currently, only the main BBCalc.py script has been updated with these new options. As a disclaimer, a 1v1 sandbox calculator isn't going to be able to truly capture the dynamic nature of morale checks in game as there are many things that cause morale drops beyond just damage, and there are many external factors that influence resolve such as Banner/Leader auras, hidden adjacency bonuses, rallying, etc.