Releases: ufal/neuralmonkey
Neural Monkey 0.2.5
Last (mostly) backward compatible version before migrating to
Acheves about 30% speedup over the previous version during both training and inference.
Neural Monkey 0.2.4
A year's worth of changes. Next release will probably introduce some non-compatible changes to the configuration and a shift to newer TF version.
Neural Monkey 0.2.3
Version before transfer to TF 1.4
Neural Monkey 0.2.2
Last version of the toolkit with linear projection in decoder output layer. Newer versions contain additional relu activation. If you have models trained with older versions, this is the latest version they can be used without changing the configuration file.
Neural Monkey 0.2.1
Models compatible with 0.2.0. Newer versions will not be compatible.
Neural Monkey 0.2.0
Switched support to TensorFlow 1.0
Neural Monkey 0.1.1
Final Neural Monkey version that supports TensorFlow 0.11
Neural Monkey 0.1
The first release of Neural Monkey.
This version will be used for the WMT 17 Nerual Training Task.