version 0.3.0
This is a major release with several improvements to R package diagnostics, report layout, and testing strategy.
, a reporter for R6, Reference, and S4 class inheritance relationships within a package. (#14, #129)- Dropdown menu in graph visualizations for selecting which node to highlight. (#132, #143)
- Edge direction reversed to align with UML dependency diagram convention. Now, if A depends on B, then A->B. (#131, #143)
- Reporters now support all layouts available in igraph. Use
grep("^layout_\\S", getNamespaceExports("igraph"), value = TRUE)
to see valid options. (#143) FunctionReporter
now utilizes graphopt layout by default. (#143)FunctionReporter
now supports non-exported functions and R6 class methods. (#123, #128)- Orphaned node clustering was removed in favor of using layout to better handle graphs with many orphaned nodes. (#102, #143)
- Testing strategy with subpackages are now CRAN and TRAVIS compatible. (#121, #139, #144)
- Test package
created for unit testing ofInheritanceReporter
and R6 method support inFunctionReporter
. (#128, #129) - Width of html reports now adjust to size of screen. (#143)
- Default node colors are now colorblind accessible. (#130, #141)
- Additional various improvements to UX for package reports. (#143)