Usage: slimapk [options...] <&INPUT_FOLDER/FILE> <&OUTPUT_FOLDER> options: -a32 (--arm) - ARM -a64 (--arm64) - ARM 64-bit -x86 (--x86) - X86 -x86_64 (--x86_64) - X86_64 -m (--multiple) : ARM, ARM64, X86, X86_64 -k (--keep-directory) keep the structure the f/s -l [-l="path to save the list of applications"] -i (--info) get more information about a specific package -ec (--enable-catch) working with a copy of the application from the temporary folder
$ java -jar slimapk.jar -a32 -k apps/ out/ -l=list.txt
$ java -jar slimapk.jar -i
[INFO] Package: [INFO] PackageName: Bleep [INFO] Version: 1.0.616 [INFO] VersionCode: 616 [INFO] sdkVersion: 22 [INFO] minSdkVersion: 14 [INFO] native-code: x86 armeabi