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Health Tracker API


This project is a Health Tracker API that allows users to manage food entities and meals while maintaining detailed logs and error handling. It uses Go with a clean and scalable structure.


  • Food entity CRUD operations.
  • Logging using zap.
  • CI pipeline for linting and testing with golangci-lint.
  • Robust error handling.
  • Follows clean code principles with separated concerns (repository, service, handler).
  • Docker setup for Postgres and Redis.

Project Structure

├── Makefile
├── cmd
│   └── main.go                # Application entry point
├── docker-compose.yml         # Docker services (PostgreSQL, Redis, etc.)
├── go.mod                     # Go module dependencies
├── go.sum                     # Dependency lock file
├── internal                   # Main application code
│   ├── app
│   │   └── food               # Food module
│   │       ├── factory.go     # Factory for initializing the handler
│   │       ├── handler.go     # Handles HTTP interactions
│   │       ├── model.go       # Defines the Food struct
│   │       ├── repository.go  # Database operations for Food
│   │       ├── routes.go      # Routes for Food endpoints
│   │       └── service.go     # Business logic for Food
│   └── infra
│       ├── config             # Configuration management
│       │   └── config.go
│       ├── db                 # Database connection setup
│       │   └── db.go
│       ├── errors             # Custom error handling
│       │   ├── errors.go
│       │   └── http_errors.go
│       ├── logger             # Logging setup using zap
│       │   └── logger.go
│       └── middleware         # HTTP middleware
│           ├── json.go        # JSON response middleware
│           ├── logging.go     # Request logging middleware
│           └── recovery.go    # Error recovery middleware
├── logs
│   └── app.log                # Log output file
├── migrations                 # Database migrations
│   ├── 000001_init_schema.down.sql
│   └── 000001_init_schema.up.sql
├── pkg                        # Reserved for reusable libraries
└── tmp                        # Temporary files (e.g., Air logs)
    ├── air.log
    └── main

Setup Instructions


  • Go 1.23+ installed.
  • Docker and Docker Compose installed.
  • Air.
  • golang-migrate.

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd health-tracker-api

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory:

# Environment

# Application

# Database

Run the Application

Using Docker Compose

  1. Start PostgreSQL and Redis services:

    docker compose up -d
  2. Apply database migrations:

    make migrate-up
  3. Start the application:

    make run
  4. Start the application in dev mode:

    make dev
  5. Run linting:

    make lint

Without Docker

  1. Start PostgreSQL and Redis locally.
  2. Apply database migrations:
    make migrate-up
  3. Run the application:
    go run cmd/main.go

Available Endpoints

Health Check

  • GET /health
    • Returns the health status of the API.

Food Module

  • GET /foods

    • Query food items with optional limit and offset.
  • POST /foods

    • Add a new food item (requires JSON payload).
  • GET /foods/{id}

    • Retrieve a food item by its ID.
  • PUT /foods/{id}

    • Update an existing food item by its ID.
  • DELETE /foods/{id}

    • Delete a food item by its ID.

Development Workflow

Using Air for Hot Reload

  1. Install Air:

    curl -sSfL | sh -s
  2. Run the application with hot reload:



To be implemented.

Release Strategy

Steps for Releasing a New Version

  1. Prepare the develop Branch

    • Ensure develop is up to date:
      git checkout develop
      git pull origin develop
    • Run final checks:
      make lint
      make test
    • Update and if needed.
  2. Create a Pull Request

    • Push the latest changes:
      git push origin develop
    • Open a PR from develop to main:
      • Title: Release vX.Y.Z
      • Description: Include features, fixes, and testing status.
    • Request reviews and wait for approval.
  3. Merge the PR

    • Merge the PR into main using GitHub.
    • Pull the latest changes locally:
      git checkout main
      git pull origin main
  4. Tag the Release

    • Create a tag for the release:
      git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Release version X.Y.Z"
      git push origin vX.Y.Z
    • Update the GitHub Releases section with details of the release.
  5. Deployment

    • If ready, deploy the release to production.
    • Automate this step using GitHub Actions or a similar CI/CD tool.
  6. Next Development Cycle

    • Switch back to develop:
      git checkout develop
    • Create a new branch for the next feature or fix:
      git checkout -b feature/next-feature


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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