Nvidia Deepstream FFMPEG RTSP to HTTP Streaming
These are the steps I used to Convert a RTSP stream produced by a Nvidia Deepstream to a HTTP using FFMpeg
1.Install FFMPEG
$sudo apt update
$sudo apt install ffmpeg
2, Make changes to the FFMPEG config file
$sudo nano /etc/ffserver.conf
Curser down to bottom of file and add following
ACL allow localhost
ACL allow "your ip address"
#uncomment if you want an IP range to be able to access the stream
#ACL allow
Feed camera1.ffm
Format mpjpeg
VideoFrameRate 30
VideoSize 640x360
VideoBitRate 4048
Strict -1
- Start up a Deepstream application that produces a RTSP stream.
2.Open up a second terminal and run.
$sudo ffserver
- Open up another terminal and run this:
$ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i 'rtsp://youre_IP_or_Localhost:8554/ds-test' http://youre_IP_or _Localhost:8080/camera1.ffm
4.Open up VLC or youre favorite player.
Choose the play streaming option.
HTTP Stream should start playing