google-reminders-cli is a simple tool for interacting with Google reminders from the command line. It allows creating, deleting and watching reminders
Run with -h
to see all supported actions, acceptable time formats, etc.
On the first run, a consent screen will open in the browser to aquire permission to access the user's reminders.
App API keys are provided in a separate file, so you may either use them or easily change them with your own keys.
Create a reminder interactively:
$ python3 -i
What's the reminder: Pay bills
When do you want to be reminded: tomorrow at 4pm
"Pay bills" on Sun, Jun 02 2019, 16:00
Do you want to save this? [Y/n] y
Reminder set successfully:
2019-06-02 16:00: Pay bills ; id="cli-reminder-1559389411.7416472"
or using command line arguments:
$ python3 -c "Pay bills" "tomorrow 17:45"
Reminder set successfully:
2019-06-02 17:45: Pay bills ; id="cli-reminder-1559389443.0839736"
In order to use google-reminders-cli you must first get an app keys and place
them in the app_keys.json
file so you can access Google's API.
google-reminders-cli uses OAuth 2.0 Client IDs.
Start a project and get your own keys in
Disclaimer: Currently there is no official API for Google Reminders, so instead, this tool imitates a browser request. This may cause google-reminders-cli to stop function correctly at any time.