This repository showcases real-life end-to-end public website leveraging AWS AppSync.
- PostgreSQL RDS database
- DynamoDB
- Lambda (nodeJS) with RDS
- Lambda (nodeJS) with DynamoDB using AWS SDK
- Direct DynamoDB integration
- Field Resolvers to agreggate multiple datasources in the same entity
- Pipeline Resolvers to execute both mutation and read in 2 separate databases
- API calls from ReactJS for queries, mutations and subscriptions using Amplify codegen
- Amazon Pinpoint integration in ReactJS through AWS Amplify codegen
- Amazon ElasticSearch for further Amazon Pinpoint event analysis w/ dashboards
- Amazon PinPoint to Amazon ElasticSearch configuration through Amazon Kinesis Firehose
- RDS database
- DynamoDB table
- Bastion host to connect to RDS database and Kibana through ec2 instance connect and SSH tunneling
- All code written in CDK, Cloud Development Kit in Python
Backend and Frontend are managed in 2 separate streams :
- CDK is used to provisionned resources in the cloud
- ReactJS app uses cloud resources using Amplify JS Libs and codegen
Pros :
- Separation of concern : 1 team can look after the backend, 1 other can look after the front end. This helps parralelize work and delegate a workstream to an external partner
- Reusability : APIs are sometimes used by more than one frontend, having a clear separation in terms of operations and code helps
- Blast radius : APIs tend to get more complicated over time and if a website developer makes a mistake, the blast radius is reduced
- Different project lifecycle : each stream can have its own pace of release and its own CI/CD
- Least privileged principle : easier to have tight policies + you can deploy the API in a AWS account and the website in another
Cons :
- Extra work if you're fullstack : using Amplify with hosting and backend features can save you time
- Managing 2 lifecycles is an overhead : you need 2 separate actions to deploy everything
- AppId, CognitoId and GraphQL ID are required to build the app
- GraphQL on RDS using Lambda
- Field agregation : data coming from RDS and DynamoDB in the same type using Field Resolvers
- DynamoDB query, mutations and subscriptions with direct Resolvers and Lambda Resolvers
- VTL templates for the resolvers
- ReactJS examples of calls to the API : queries, mutations and subscriptions
- ReactJS examples of event recording in Amazon PinPoint
- Pinpoint to ElasticSearch connection through Kinesis Firehose
- Kibana dashboards leveraging events recorded in the application : sessions, page views
- Event Transformation in Kinesis Firehose
- CDK w/ Python in single stack using builder pattern
- AWS Secrets Manager for RDS database retrieval in a lambda function
- Bastion host connection to Kibana and Database through EC2 Instance Connect
- Codebuild yaml files
- Multiple environnements / accounts
- Cognito user login / signup : this is unauthenticated website example
- RDS Proxy : this would help performance and load on RDS instance
- Caching AWS AppSync : this would help performance but is tighly coupled with your usecase
- Storage of Amazon Pinpoint events in a separate bucket for further analysis
- Cloudwatch dashboard and alerts
- Kibana access management and autorisations
- Encryption is not end 2 end : buckets, ElasticSearch, etc.
- Separation of CDK stack into smaller chunks
GraphQL schema + VTL mapping templates are stored here. CDK code references these files.
Everything CDK is there. This is python code. Have a look at the README for further details.
Kibana exports of dashboards w/ screenshots. Connec to kibana through bastion host (see ssh tunnels)
3 lambdas are implemented :
- lambda-resolver : executes the SQL queries stored in the VTL request templates
- lambda-transform : preparation of event before storage in ElasticSearch
- lambda-votes-resolver : count up and down votes from a product, integrated as a field resolver
SQL database zip file in sql format. Simple Product table with inserts.
Sample scripts to create SSH tunnels from your local machine to your database or kibana through a bastion host.
ReactJS sample application folder. Please refer to local README for further instructions.
This code is for training purposes only and there is no garantee whatsoever. Use it at your own risk.