This repository covers examples of using CDK pipelines with :
- ReactJS application
- Serverless API with API Gateway and Lambda
- Container API based on ECS
You'll learn that using BucketDeployment, DockerImageAsset, Code.fromAsset and CDK Pipeline you can have on fully integrated CI/CD that will build the assets for you.
This means that with a few lines of code :
- based on provided Dockerfile and source code : docker image will be built, sent to ECR, versioned and deployed in ECS for you
- based on ReactJS folder, zip file will be created based on npm build, sent to a S3 bucket and deployed for you
- based on src folder, code will be zipped, versioned and deployed for you
Key file to look at : ./front/front-ci/front-ci.ts
const s3Deployment = new BucketDeployment(this, 'DeployWebsite', {
sources: [Source.asset('../mywebapp/build')],
destinationBucket: myWebappBucket
Key file to look at : ./api-ecs/lib/api-ecs-stack.ts
const image = new DockerImageAsset(this, "API-image", {
directory: "./src/",
Key file to look at : ./api-serverless/lib/api-serverless-stack.ts
const handler = new Function(this, "apilambda-" + props.envName , {
runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_14_X,
code: Code.fromAsset("src"),
handler: "index.handler",
environment: {
ENVNAME: props.envName,
DB_SECRET_NAME: dbSecretName
Key files to look at : ./api-ecs/bin/api-ecs-pipeline-stack.ts ./api-serverless/bin/api-serverless-pipeline-stack.ts ./front/front-ci/bin/front-ci-pipeline-stack.ts
Example with api-ecs (refer to other files for specific examples, logic is similar)
const pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {
pipelineName: 'APIECSCI',
synth: new ShellStep('Synth', {
input: CodePipelineSource.codeCommit(Repository.fromRepositoryName(this, 'monorepo',
'workshop-webapp-sandbox-to-production'), 'main'),
commands: [
'cd api-ecs',
'npm ci',
'npm run build',
'npx cdk synth',
'cp -R cdk.out ../']
const devStage = pipeline.addStage(new ApiEcsPipelineAppStage(this, "api-ecs-dev", { envName: 'dev' }));
const qaStage = pipeline.addStage(new ApiEcsPipelineAppStage(this, "api-ecs-qa", { envName: 'qa' }));
const prodStage = pipeline.addStage(new ApiEcsPipelineAppStage(this, "api-ecs-prod", { envName: 'prod' }), {
pre: [
new ManualApprovalStep('PromoteToProd'),
If you want to deploy it yourself :
- deploy 3 env infra stacks with the right envName parameters : this will deploy a VPC + a database for each env out of free tier this will have some impact on billing and don't forget to delete it when you're done.
- deploy once each api-ecs / api-serverless / front stack as this will create one pipeline deploying to 3 environnements
- don't forget to change
to the appropriate values
This stack usually different lifecycle than the others. So this one hasn't got a pipeline and is to be managed manually.
For this example to work fully, you have to create 3 stacks : 1 for dev, 1 for QA, 1 for Production with appropriate envName
- Sample code to use the database secret in docker container / lambda
- Remove account number requirement in some stacks
- Example of cross account deployement, this is out-of-scope for now for the sake of simplicity / easier understanding
This code is for training purposes only and there is no garantee whatsoever. Use it at your own risk.