providing a simple app to track user movie ratings with java spring, using micro-services architecture (communicating through REST-API) with auto discovery (eureka) and fault tolerance (hystrix).
Basically, the main service, movie-catalog-service, gets a request from the user, to get its' saved movies and user ratings for these movies. movie-catalog-service queries ratings-data-service for user ratings, and movie-info-service for movie details, via REST-API. It then combines the results, outputting the movies the user has watched and rated.
The microservice architecture uses Auto-discovery via Eureka, through another microservice, and combines mechanisms for fault tolerance and resilliance (Hystrix).
Micro-service system architecture:
- run all microservices (Either by making a jar out of each one and running, or importing the projects to an IDE an running them).
- query the system via Localhost:8081/catalog/user_id to get a specific user's movies.
credit to Koushik Kothagal and JavaBrains channel on on JavaBrains for the detailed course on Spring Boot Microservices.