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Settings explanation

VINAGHOST edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 9 revisions

Account settings

Account settings UI

Account information


This will apply to all village Bot found.

If you play on NYS server, you should change in village setting.

Activity settings

Work time

Time per access can be online, if you use multiple access TBS will rotate for you.

Sleep time

The time account is offline (not TBS) and the browser will be shut down, there is no activity at this time.

If you have multiple access, consider using short sleep time to simulate break time between duals

Delay settings

Click delay

The delay between clicks prevents inhuman behaviors

Task delay

Delay between tasks, this is the time delay after each task shown in the debug tab

Feature settings

Auto load village's buildings

If enabled, when new villages are found, TBS will navigate to the field & building page to update.

Auto start adventure

If enabled, when Hero is home and there is an adventure, TBS will start the first adventure

Chrome settings

Headless chrome

If enabled, TBS will use headless mode instead of normal browser.

More info here

Village settings

Village settings UI

Upgrade settings

Use hero resources

When upgrading, if lack of resources, TBS will go into hero's inventory to take resources.

Use Roman queue logic

Normally TBS will build with 1 building or 2 buildings (if has plus)

When this option is enabled, it will be assumed to build like the Roman tribe, maximum 2 buildings or 3 buildings (if has plus)

Use special upgrade method

TBS will use the right Upgrade button to upgrade buildings

  • watch ads button ( travian official)
  • upgrade to max level button (ttwars)

Auto refresh

Enable auto refresh

If enabled, TBS will update resource field page to get info about storage

Refresh every

These settings allow you to config how long TBS should update this village

NPC Crop exchange settings

Enable NPC Crop exchange

If enabled, TBS will auto NPC crop into other resources


How full is the granary to trigger auto NPC


How TBS divides resources

Formula is sum_all_resource * ( ratio res / sum ratio res) = resource each res

Village information


Choose tribe for village

If you play on NYS server, you can change tribe village here

Feature settings

Auto claim village's quest

Auto claim side quest (not daily)

Troop training settings

Enable train troop

If enabled, TBS will auto train troop

Next train troop

Train troop will loop through all buildings its need (barrack, stable, and workshop)

After trained troop, TBS will wait until next train troop and start again

Train maximum number if low on resource

You set troop should train 10 units but resource only allow 9 units.

If enabled, TBS will train 9 units otherwise it won't train.

Train in barrack/stable/workshop

None means disable Min = 1 & Max = 10 means random between 1 < x < 10