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Github action to use Keystone secrets


  • The project secrets must be managed by Keystone;
  • A CI must have been setup using ks ci setup;
  • Secrets and files must have been sent to the GitHub CI usin ks ci send;

After ks ci send, you should 5 new secrets in your GitHub repository settings, named KEYSTONE_SLOT_X with X a number from 1 to 5.


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: A job to make keystone-ci usable secrets
      # To use this repository's private action,
      # you must check out the repository
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Load Secrets
        uses: wearedevx/keystone-action
        id: load_secrets
          keystone_slot_1: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_SLOT_1 }}
          keystone_slot_2: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_SLOT_2 }}
          keystone_slot_3: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_SLOT_3 }}
          keystone_slot_4: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_SLOT_4 }}
          keystone_slot_5: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_SLOT_5 }}

After that point, your secrets are loaded as environment variables and can be used as such in scripts, or via ${{ env.SECRET_NAME }}.

Files managed by Keystone are written to the job’s container disk and are accessible under the same path you used when adding them to Keystone.