Enhanced terminal color library providing extensive color combinations and utilities for Python applications.
- 🎨 16 Base colors (including light variants)
- 🖼️ Background colors for all combinations
- 🌈 Color on color support (e.g., red text on blue background)
- 🛠️ Utility functions for string coloring
- 📝 Simple API for color manipulation
- 🔧 Cross-platform support via colorama
Check out the demo video to see FSTrent Colors in action:
pip install fstrent_colors
from fstrent_colors import (
# Utility functions
cs, cp,
# Basic colors
R, G, B, W # Red, Green, Blue, White
# Print colored text
cp("This is red text", R)
cp("This is green text", G)
cp("This is blue text", B)
# Create colored strings
colored_text = cs("Custom colored text", B)
from fstrent_colors import (
K, # Black
R, # Red
G, # Green
Y, # Yellow
B, # Blue
M, # Magenta
C, # Cyan
W, # White
LGy, # Light Gray
DGy, # Dark Gray
LR, # Light Red
LG, # Light Green
LY, # Light Yellow
LB, # Light Blue
LM, # Light Magenta
LC, # Light Cyan
from fstrent_colors import (
# White on Multi-color Backgrounds
WoR, # White on Red
WoG, # White on Green
WoM, # White on Magenta
# Colors on White Background
RoW, # Red on White
GoW, # Green on White
BoW, # Blue on White
# Colors on Blue Background
RoB, # Red on Blue
GoB, # Green on Blue
WoB, # White on Blue
# Many more combinations available!
from fstrent_colors import cs, cp, CLR
# Color string and returnfunction
text = cs("Colored text", R)
# Color print function
cp("Directly print colored text", B)
# Access color palette
my_color = pallette['RED']
# Use color lookup
dynamic_color = CLR['BLUE']
The package includes several demo functions to showcase different color combinations:
from fstrent_colors import (
demo1, # Basic colors
demo2, # Bright colors
demo3, # Background colors
demo4, # Color combinations
demo5, # Styles
demo6, # Rainbow effects
demo7, # Gradient effects
demo8, # Patterns
demo9, # Full spectrum
# Run demos
demo1() # Shows basic colors
demo9() # Shows full color spectrum
from fstrent_colors import R, G, B, W, RoK, WoB
# Multiple styles in one line
print(RoK + "Red on Black" + W + " Normal " + WoB + "White on Blue" + W)
from fstrent_colors import R, G, W
name = "World"
print(f"{R}Hello {G}{name}{W}!")
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/wrm3/fstrent_colors.git
cd fstrent_colors
- Install development dependencies:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
- Run tests:
MIT License - see LICENSE file for details.
Warren R Martel III ([email protected])
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.