Hex: Implement of a 11 * 11 hex game
Author: Zhao Yang ([email protected])
== Description ==
The code under this directory implements a 11 * 11 hex game which can be played between human and a very strong AI.
Hex is a strategy board game played on a hexagonal grid, theoretically of any size and several possible shapes, but traditionally as an 11×11 rhombus.
Each player has an allocated color, Red and Blue. Players take turns placing a stone of their color on a single cell within the overall playing board. The goal for each player is to form a connected path of their own stones linking the oppo- -sing sides of the board marked by their colors, before their opponent connects his or her sides in a similar fashion. The first player to complete his or her connection wins the game.
== Runnig info ==
< command > easy|normal|hard
== version ==