Yume is a simple framework for building a website fast without any hassle, it is built with the most popular server language, namely Hypertext Preprocessor PHP. It already provides several built-in packages that are ready to use but some packages are under development and code repair. You can also install other PHP libraries if the package is incomplete.
- Environment Variable Configuration
- Services and Service Provider
- Database (Coming Soon)
- PHPSeclib (Coming Soon)
- Simple and Fast Routing
- Command Line Interface Tool
- Simple Reflection
- Indentation Based Template Engine
- HTML Component
- Caching, and Logging
- Stream
- PHP ^8.1.10
- PHPUnit ^9.5.10
- Framework ^3.0.6
- Extension OpenSSL
- Extension PDO (Optional)
- Extension Multibyte String
composer create-project yfure/yume
php sasayaki serve
php sasayaki serve --host --port 8080
hxAri is the developer and creator of this framework, and i am very grateful to anyone who has contributed to this project, please see the Contribution rules to participate.
Give spirit to the developer, no matter how many donations given will still be accepted
The Yume framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.