- 🔍 Real-time display of current Go version information
- 📋 Manage multiple installed Go versions
- ⬇️ Automatic download and installation of official releases
- 🔄 Quick switching between different Go versions
- ⚙️ Smart system environment variable management
- 💾 Support for environment configuration backup and restore
- 🔒 Secure environment variable rollback mechanism
- 🌐 Multi-architecture support (x86/x64/arm/arm64)
- 📦 Local installation package detection and usage
- 🔧 Automatic directory integrity verification
- 🔄 Smart architecture switching and local package detection
- Download the latest version from Releases
- Extract to specified directory (recommended: C:\Program Files\go-version-switch)
- Add to PATH environment variable:
# Add to system environment variables and restart terminal setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\go-version-switch" # Install specific version govs.exe -install 1.23.4 -arch x64 # Switch to installed version govs.exe -use 1.23.4 # Switch architecture govs.exe -arch x64 # Rollback environment variables govs.exe -rollback # List all available versions govs.exe -list # Force update version list govs.exe -list -update # View help information govs.exe -help
# Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/yuaotian/go-version-switch.git
cd go-version-switch
# Build
go build -o bin/govs.exe ./cmd
# Test installation
./bin/go-version-switch -install 1.23.4 -arch x64
# One-click build and test
go build -v -o bin/govs.exe ./cmd/main.go && ./bin/govs.exe -install 1.23.4 -arch x64
# View help information
go-version-switch -h
# List all available versions
go-version-switch -list
# Force update version list
go-version-switch -list -update
# Install specific version
go-version-switch -install 1.23.4 -arch x64
# Switch to installed version
go-version-switch -use 1.23.4
# Direct architecture switching
go-version-switch -arch x64
go-version-switch -arch x86
# Rollback environment variables
go-version-switch -rollback
# Supported architecture list
x86, 386, 32 (32-bit)
x64, amd64, x86-64 (64-bit)
arm (ARM)
arm64 (ARM64)
# Architecture switching with local package detection
go-version-switch -arch x64 # Automatically find and use local installation package
- Automatic detection of installation packages in down/ directory
- Priority use of local installation packages
- Package integrity verification before installation
- Automatic backup before modification
- Secure rollback mechanism
- Smart PATH management
- GOROOT and GOARCH handling
├── 📂 cmd/
│ └── main.go # Program entry
├── 📂 internal/
│ ├── config/ # Configuration management
│ │ └── config.go # Configuration processing
│ └── version/ # Version management
│ ├── common.go # Common functions
│ ├── download.go # Download functionality
│ ├── env.go # Environment variable handling
│ ├── install.go # Installation logic
│ ├── list.go # Version list
│ ├── releases.go # Release management
│ └── version.go # Version control
├── 📂 bin/
│ └── data/ # Runtime data
│ ├── go-version/ # Go installation directory
│ ├── down/ # Download cache
│ ├── backup_env/ # Environment variable backup
│ └── config/ # Configuration files
├── 📄 go.mod # Dependency management
└── 📝 README.md # Project documentation
- Windows 10/11
- Go 1.16+ (only for compilation)
- Administrator privileges
- Network connection (for downloads)
Permission Errors
Error: Administrator privileges required Solution: Run as administrator
Download Issues
Error: Download failed Solution: - Check network connection - Use local package from down/ directory - Check proxy settings
Version Switch Failure
Error: Environment variable update failed Solution: 1. Use -rollback to restore 2. Check file permissions 3. Close all Go processes
Directory Integrity
Error: Incomplete Go installation Solution: - Tool will automatically attempt to repair using local package - Check installation packages in down/ directory
# Install dependencies
go mod download
# Run tests
go test ./...
# Build with version information
go build -ldflags="-X 'main.Version=v1.0.0'" -o bin/govs.exe ./cmd
- Fork repository
- Create feature branch
- Commit changes
- Push to branch
- Create Pull Request
- 🔐 Environment variable modification requires administrator privileges
- 🔄 Terminal/IDE restart required after version switch
- 💾 Regular environment variable backup recommended
⚠️ Keep local installation packages in down/ directory- 📦 Don't manually modify data directory
In some editors (like VSCode, IntelliJ IDEA), the integrated terminal might not automatically update environment variables. You can use these methods to refresh manually:
# Method 1: Refresh environment variables
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
# Method 2: Use refreshenv command (requires Chocolatey)
# Method 1: Use refreshenv (if Chocolatey is installed)
# Method 2: Reload environment variables
- Check existing issues before submitting
- Follow code style
- Include test code
- Update relevant documentation
- Provide detailed PR description
This project is licensed under the MIT License.