- You can now set each parameters individually for each crumb (@r72cccp , #53)
- You can now set each crumb on right or left side (@r72cccp , #53)
- You can now use a html in a crumb name (@r72cccp , #53)
- The separator is appended to the end of the link instead of outside of the li when using html_list for the format (@johnmichaelbradley, #48)
- Don't render empty html_options for tags (@r72cccp , #53)
- Fixed tests for Rails 4 (@sanemat, #44)
- Fix the micodata option when set as a direct option of render_crumbs (@GUI, #50)
- Fix duplicate breadcrumbs (@GUI, #49)
Available on Rubygems: https://rubygems.org/gems/crummy/versions/1.8.0
gem install crummy -v 1.8.0
or via Bundler:
gem "crummy", "~> 1.8.0"